well, today I did a lot of work. I uploaded about 11 videos today. WOW! Well, my bro did all of the actual work. I just told him what to type in. but anyway... the videos I posted today were:
1) Stupidest bulbin ever! (Zelda: TP)
2) Mysterious Midna Glitch (TP again)
and the rest were SSE Redubs. im sooooo tired... i just kept typing in the same thing over and over. then suddenly, GS wouldnt let me upload anymore! I was up to 15, when it just stopped working. o well, I'll continue my work tomorrow. I still have a few left!
in other news, my summer has been great so far. my bro got into playing Zelda: TP (yay midna!) again. also, he beat zelda: Phantom Hourglass the day after summer started. He was really stuck in that game! glad he beat it, he said that the final boss (possesed Linebeck) was fun. sorry if I just spoiled it for any of u, but Linebeck gets possesed and u have to kill him. so... thats about it. hope your summer is great too! and be sure to check out my vids (thanks to foxaddict for watching most of them already [sry if I spelled your name wrong]) bye!!
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