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Mad4Midna Blog

a few more facts about me

here they are:

1) I have braces

2) I have a bf

3) I think he is cheating on me, ( i am not sure )

4) i no how to make a website

5) I am in 4th grade

6) I have something on my toe, ( not sure wat it is though )

7) I only wrote this blog so i have a better chance of becoming lv 10 :P ;)

- Midna

Quiz 4 me

making a new quiz 'cus things have changed

about me

Full name: Melissa Ann Corrao

Age: Man, this is hard 2 say, (4 ppl who don't no) 9

Birthdate: July 28, 1998


First game ever played: ssb

Least favorite game: dk. can't think of 1.

Favorite Website: gs

Favorite video game: brawl+mariokartwii


How many relationships have u had? 1

Have u ever kissed a boy? ...Maybe


Longest relationship? 2 yrs and 2 months

do you plan 2 marry in the future? i guess...

do you plan 2 have kids in the future? 2. 1 boy 1 girl, twins


Favorite animal? dog

least favorite animal? there would be peace without insects

cutes/coolest but vicious animl? "and i'm hungry like the wolf!"

do u have any pets? yes. a dog. she is aboxer and her name is Olivia.

well thats it. bye!( someone copy this)


made a new sonic character

well, i had nothing better 2 do so i drew a picture of amy, but re-colored her and gave her a new outfit and accsesiries. i call her amber is a little info...

First name: Amber

Last name: Blaze

Best friend(s): Amy, Cream

Age: 13 I guess

Worst nemisis: Rouge

Species: Hedgehog

Has a crush on: Shadow i guess. idk. hes cool.

And thats it. how do i submit pictures and put them in my blog? I want 2 show u wat she looks like. any way, bye!


new vid!

hi! its midna! well, now that my bro, (yoshirules123) is lv 10, we made a video!i filmed and he played.sorry if the camera is not focused good it was my first time filming...:oops: anyway, its a good vid and u should watch it.


new new icons

yesterday i got new midna stuff, but i looked on google today and found a better opener, avatar, and banner. so, how does every1 think?I am happy and think I will keep 'em. so, until next time, c ya!

- midna

a whole bunch of midna stuff

look at all the pictures i got! i got a new banner, a new avatar, and even a pic that goes in my "about me" section! how did i get these? lets just say that google works wonders! i love google now. because of it, i saw millions of others that like Midna, 2. IM SO HAPPY!
