theres a lot of negative comments in here, it think its great, i touht the opposite to what people in here are pointing out the maps in particular i thought are really good, far better than cod4, which ive always thought were one of the worse parts of the cod4 multiplayer, i was completely uninspired to get the thingy map pack. grenades are improved, the perk is 2 primary grenades now not 3, and im fairly sure theyr less powerful. which is good, one of the most complained things about cod4 was grenade spamming. i think it has a really good feel to it. perks are all better. vehicles arent overpowered, theyr easy to use but not too difficult to take down. weapons are awesome, particularly rifles and lmgs. war and capture the flag are great gametypes. there are so many features that makes it much better, dogs are better than helicopters, attatchments are million times better than the standard 3 kinds for every gun in cod4, like a scope on a mini-uzi..stupid. there are suppresors, aparture sights (basicly red dot sigs), telescopic sights (basicly acog), sniper scope, flash hider, bayonet (awesome), rifle grenade (basicly grenade launcher), grip, deployable bipods, etc etc, with each weapon having different ones. dismemberment is cool, this list goes on and on....
of coursethe campaign is usually the star of cod games, and with the new co-op and co-op competetive modes, and even a bonus zombie mode, this game is looking very promising...
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