@PJthePlayer2 not to mention that a good portion of their games are ports from the last gen systems, and hd remakes of previous nintendo games. Nintendo has shown me no games that have made me think i really need to get the wiiu. Im stickin with ps4 and xb1 for next gen. Nintendo has really been droppin the ball with the wii and wiiu.
as a gamer i plan on getting both systems but i plan on the ps4 first, it has games that i am really lookin forward to. I'll wait a while for the price of the xb1 to drop before i get that as they do have some exclusives that i want to play. But i do know that my kinect is comin out of the box and goin into the garbage. Still havent seen 1 useful feature for the kinect. As far as free games, I'll take every free game the companies wanna give me.
the wii u is a very distant purchase for me. I'll get the ps4 somewhere around release, then the xb1 when they finally figure out what their system is. And wii u near the end of its very short lifecycle.
@VeeArSick @MadMike2869 im glad they are giving away a game but everything ms said the xb1 was gonna be regardless what the consumer thought they wanted, They have gone and reversed everything, and Im glad for the most part, just have to wait and see whats what after ms is done flailing their arms and legs just to boos the sales.
wow looks like ms is desperate, changing everything about the xb1, seems to me they change anything else and they will have to cancel the xb1 and go back to the drawing board.
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