Volgar The Enforcer--WTF?????????
by Mad_Buck on Comments
Who the hell is Volgar the Enforcer? That's what Level 29 is called. Horse hockey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone true fan of television knows that there's only one REAL Enforcer and that happens to be Frank Nitti from The Untouchables. I demand that this be changed. Replace Volgar's whatchamacallit with Frank Nitti's machine gun. The one he used to gun down Tony "Mops" Volpe, Gus Raddi, and Tessie DiGiordano in The Empty Chair episode of The Untouchables. Volgar the Enforcer my hind end. GIVE US THE REAL ENFORCER! THE ONE AND ONLY ENFORCER! FRANK NITTI. GIVE US NITTI OR YOU'RE DEAD!!!
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