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December 7

Finally picked up the editorships for Peter Lorre, Anne Helm, Linda Cristal, and (gag) Lisa Gastineau. Well, I guess there's one in every crowd. Should have picked up Lee Marvin too but they nitpicked a couple of my submissions and rejected them. Boo! Boo! Boo!

December 6

Wrote reviews of episodes of Leave It to Beaver and The Monkees plus Rachel Ward today. Those get me over 200 total reviews. They ran the Level update last night. Didn't get as much as I hoped but I'm now a Cylon. Guess that's from Battlestar Galactica. Whatever happened to Maren Jensen from the original series? She was smoking hot.

December 5

I guess they've decided to run the Level updates every other day because one hasn't run yet today. On the days I do a lot of submissions like Friday and Sunday they don't run one but when I do next to nothing like on Saturday they have one. Really strange. If I had credit for all my submissions I'd be somewhere in the 40's right now. On the positive side I just got a PM from the lovely Missribs. She said she'd look into my submissions soon.

December 3

Picked up another editorship. For Jack Kelly. I should have enough for Peter Lorre, Linda Cristal, and Anne Helm. Plus last and definitely least, Lisa Gastineau. That will make 11 persons along with four shows.

December 2

Picked up editorships for Bruce Gordon, Nehemiah Persoff, and Lawrence Dobkin. Just missed out on Anne Helm and Lisa Gastineau so I'll have to wait on them. Wrote review about George C. Scott. Just realized I only wrote two reviews for the entire month of November and three for October. Being an editor has kept me away from reviewing.

December 1

The first and last episode bug appears to have been fixed. All the homepages to my guides now show the correct premiere and final episodes of the series. And to think it only took approximately four months. Applause! Applause!

November 30

Picked up the editorships for George C. Scott and Ruth Roman today. Should pick up Lawrence Dobkin, Bruce Gordon, and Nehemiah Persoff once my outstanding submissions for them get approved.

November 29-Screwed again

Saw that they just ran the Level Updates and I only get a 15% increase because the darn thing only goes back 24 hours when adding in submission points. All the work I did over the Thanksgiving holidays goes for naught regarding Level updates because they weren't running CP updates those days. The same thing happened back when that one lugnut became the first person to reach Level 50. It blew out the whole system and I never got credit for ANY of my large number of submissions during that period which was when I first became editor of Perry Mason and submitted a whole bunch of show summaries and cast lists. I guess that's just the way they do things around here.

November 28

Made a whole bunch of submissions for George C. Scott today. We're from the same hometown and his late cousin was a friend of mine so I know a lot about him. I'll gain the editorship for him when and if the staff ever gets around to processing the submissions. Should also gain the editorship for Ruth Roman and maybe Nehemiah Persoff and Lawrence Dobkin once the submissions get processed. I sent Missribs a PM asking her to look into my submissions for Roman, Persoff, and Dobkin as well as Bruce Gordon. They haven't run a CP update since last Tuesday. Don't know whether it's a bug or the staff just decided to wait until after the hollidays. They never seen to keep us informed. That's just the way things are around here.

November 25

Looks like they're not going to be running any CP or Level updates over the hollidays. That sucks because I probably won't get credit for a lot of work I did in regards to the Level updates. I should get the CP's eventually. I don't know why they can't program the updates to run automatically. Anyway, I ate steak instead of turkey for Thanksgiving because my sister thought it would be easier to grill steaks than roast a turkey. Go figure!