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January 10

Well I'm the featured member on the community spotlight this week. I guess I should consider it an honor. Thanks to the staff for selecting me but I can't help but feel that I was chosen because they didn't have anybody else. But enough of this cynicism. For now I'll sit back and enjoy my one little moment in the spotlight.

January 9

Just hit Level 48 a few minutes ago. Once I get those outstanding people submissions processed I should be on my way. Worked quite a bit on the Dukes of Hazzard quide this past weekend. The previous editor left it in okay shape but I added some things in hopes of improvement. To my way of thinking there's always room to improve a guide be it a show or a person. Be it my guide or someone else's.

January 5

I came up one point short of getting the editorship for Dukes of Hazzard. I'm getting it by default anyway. The editor and trusted user both retired on the same day over the hollidays and I'm just the next in line. In the immortal words of Morton Halas, "Some days you're just lucky."

January 3

The bugs which were running rampant yesterday seem to have cleared up today. At least for the time being. Everyone should be back to work by now so maybe things will get moving at after the holliday limbo period. We can only hope. I'm at Level 45 (46%) now. Inching ever closer to the top of the mountain. LOL.

December 29

Looks like the staff won't be back until next week so this week is pretty much a wash. Submitted a few new things to my guides in order to keep things going upwards to Level 50. Nothing much else to report so everyone have a happy new year or season's greetings or whatever they call it now.

December 27

Well, it doesn't look like they're going to be processing submissions anytime soon. Hope they don't have a lot of backlog in the Huge Queue of Doom like they did back around September. Oh well. Anyway, I hope everyone had a swell Christmas even the moronic reviewers who referred to the likes of Jeff Probst as all-time greats.

December 24

On this day before Christmas I see that the bugs are gone (at least for now) from I'm almost to Level 44. Should pick it up tomorrow unless for some reason the Level Updates stop running (which they might). Will pick up editorships for Broderick Crawford, Pamela Tiffin, Julie Newmar, Forrest Tucker, Catherine Bach and Barry Morse once they're moderated (and who can tell when that will be). That will bring my total of people guides up to 34 and pull the alives ahead of the deads by a score of 19 to 15. Now, before I forget, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

December 23

Picked up editorships for Joan Crawford, William Bendix, and Tina Louise this morning. Unfortunately, the level points have gone haywire again. Doubtful that I'll get any credit. This place always seems to go crazy around the hollidays.

December 22

Picked up Abel Fernandez and Fess Parker today. Should get William Bendix and Tina Louise tomorrow. That will make my tally: Alives-15 Deceaseds-12. Two new admissions to the NTAC list: Mark Harmon and some reality show contestant. Well, at least Harmon has a hot wife.

December 21

Added three more to the list of NTAC's who've been called all-time greats by reviewers here at Look in my blog below to see their names. I'd never heard of any of them. Picked up editorships for Paul Picerni and Elke Sommer. Should pick up Abel Fernandez too as soon as my submissions for him are moderated. You know, for an actor who didn't have that long of a career, there was surprisingly a lot of information out there on him. Maybe that makes him an all-time great. Also, lest I forget, the alives now lead the deads 12-11. I'm talking about my person guides of course. With the addition of Picerni and Ms. Sommer the alives now hold a slight lead.