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March 10

Darn it all, the reviews editor is doing it again. I thought perhaps that my harangues were having an effect for the positive but no. I read the latest batch of reviews and two people I've never heard of, Kevin Smith and Carol Duvall, are listed by "reviewers" as all-time greats. Somebody needs to do something about this lugnut who edits the reviews. Hell, I'll take the job myself for only a modest fee. No way I'll be any worse than the current clown. In other news, I'm up to 99 people for whom I'm editor. Gonna have to pick an "all-time great" for number 100. Guess I'll pick some bit player from Angel or Buffy. According to some merely appearing on those shows qualifies one for all-time great status. Hells bells.

March 6

Well, I'm over 10,000 submissions accepted. I guess I deserve an Oscar for that feat. Hell, if George Clooney can win one why not me? I may not be as good looking but I'm probably a better actor. LOL.

February 27

As the old adage goes "bad news usually travels in threes." First Don Knotts, then Darren McGavin, and now Dennis Weaver. Two television legends (Knotts, Weaver) and a damn good actor (McGavin) have all passed away. We shall not see their likes again. RIP to all three men.

February 21

Some bad things happened on this date in history. Verdun, the bloodiest battle of World War I, commenced, Malcolm X was assassinted, Chicago mobster Jake "Greasy Thumb" Guzik dropped dead of a heart attack, and yours truly was born. February 21 has not been a kind date.

February 16

I should have known better than to praise the Reviews editor in my previous blog. Just when you think things are getting better they take a turn for the worse again. Now Matt Barr, Brett Michaels, Mark Callaway, and Anthony Rapp are all-time greats. Callaway (better known in WWE circles as The Undertaker) might be somewhere in the neighborhood of all-time great status in his chosen profession but the other three aren't even close. Oh, and one other piece of advice for the reviews editor. "He's so hot. I love him. He's so hot. He's my favorite actor. I can't wait to watch him every week on [insert name of show]. He's so hot." is not a review so quit posting reviews like this that sound like they've been written by 13 year old junior high school girls. In other news, happy birthday to my sister today. I won't reveal her true age because she might never speak to me again.:)

February 14

Maybe my listing of "all-time greats" is having some effect on the Reviews editor. In this latest batch there's only one ridiculous all-time great, Lori Loughlin, and I guess I can forgive the reviewer because Lori is hot. Other than her, nada. So maybe the Reviews editor is reading my blog and is being shamed into action or inaction as the case may be. Or maybe he isn't. Anyway, I picked up editorships for Greta Garbo, Jack Webb, Larry Holmes, Albert Belle, and Mamie Van Doren. There's at least three all-time greats in that group.

February 10

Here they come again. This time it's almost laughable. Ladies and gentlemen, the all-time greats according to reviewers at Laraine Newman Tony Shalhoub (I spit Pepsi all over my keyboard laughing at this one) Hayao Miyazaki Emma Watson Art Clokey Richard Ian Cox Bill Nye More to come as soon as the reviews are posted. Should you decide to keep a running tally yourselves just check my previous blogs.

February 7

Rosa Blasi, Ashley Albert, and something called Evanescence. Three more nobodies referred to as "All-Time Greats" by reviewers. I think the Reviews editor needs to be purged for posting these reviews. Seriously. It's obvious he/she doesn't care about the job. And I won't even mention the quality of most of the reviews themselves. Hells bells. In other news, I'm still waiting for my submissions for Steve Carlton, Joe Frazier, George Thorogood, Al Capone, and Paul Muni to be processed. I submitted them over the weekend. I had a total of 8 for Carlton and Capone processed yesterday but that was all. Kind of an eclectic group. Two athletes (who WERE all-time greats), one Academy Award winning actor (although mostly forgotten today definitely worth of all-time great status), a gangster (who in his chosen profession would have to be classified an all-time great), and a rocker who's probably not an all-time great but certainly closer to that status than some I've seen listed in reviews.

February 3

Emjay Olson, Mariska Hargitay, Maxwell Adams, Tim Brooke Taylor. Anybody ever heard of these people? I know who Hargitay is. She's Jayne Mansfield's moderately talented actress daughter. The other three I haven't a clue. Yet, they're all-time greats according to reviewers here at It just gets worse and worse. If I were the Reviews Editor of I think I would put a moratorium on posting reviews of people listed as an "all-time great." The editor is only making himself/herself look foolish by continuing to post these "selected reviews."

February 2

I got a huge jump from 15% to 26%. The biggest jump I've had since hitting Level 50. Somehow I think that might be getting rolled back. And before I forget, a belated happy birthday to the greatest TV villain of them all. Bruce Gordon turned 90 years old yesterday. Hope he's doing well out in Santa Fe.