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Knock Wood

Looks like they've finally got the bugs fixed around here.  Especially that unretiring editor bug. I'm finally back down to my correct 25 person guides.  Too bad I missed that Sopranos Chat yesterday.  I'm still kicking myself for that one.

Nothing's Working Around Here

Let's see:  the CPs don't work, the Levels don't work, the retired editor bug is still going strong, and we can't moderate our queues because of the infamous WSoD.  But there's always that ujpcoming Sopranos Chat to keep our minds off the glitches.  I'm sure glad they sprung that one on us.

Wo Fat and Pete Konitz Have Editors

Thanks to this "fix" of the CP bug many of the editorships from which I had retired have now returned to me as well as a few for which I never had enough points to be editor to begin with.  I've picked up Pete Konitz, Wo Fat, Rebecca Boone, Dr. Van Helsing, Countess Marya Zaleska, the Cisco Kid, and the authors of No Time for Sergeants and End as a Man.  Not to mention a goose.

Double or Nothing

So we get double the CPs but the Levels don't run?  I can't wait to read The Old Bill's blog on this one.  That is, if he writes one.  Just when you think things can't get any stranger around here they do.  But such is the way of  Thanks, staff.

161 PMs

So I log on tonight and find that I have the incredible total of 161 messages in my PM.  What for, you may ask.  Well, you've probably guessed it already.  It was automated PMs announcing that I had become an editor.  Only one little bitty problem.  Most of them were for person guides from which I'd already retired way back in August.  We have a major snafu here.  But I know they're workin' on it.  Just like Bret Maverick.

It Appears as Though I've Been Tagged

This tag thing has been going around and it's finally gotten around to me.  Mac Ale said I probably wouldn't participate so just to be contrary I will.  Here are seven things about me that may or may not be unusual:

1. I'm the oldest of four children.  I have two younger sisters and a younger brother.

2. I was an extra in the movie Coal Miner's Daughter.

3. I'm from the same hometown as Academy Award winning actor George C. Scott.

4. Rosie O'Donnell once fired my sister.

5. Except for sporting events, my dad hasn't watched ABC since they cancelled Maverick (his favorite show) back in 1962.

6. My first pair of baby shoes were purchased at a shoe store owned by the father of U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers, who got shot down over the Soviet Union in 1959.

7. I've written eight fanfics for my favorite TV show of all-time, The Untouchables.

Now, it appears as though I'm supposed to tag three more people.  I would tag April Fox but Mac Ale beat me to the punch there.  So I guess I'll tag Lisa Gansky (if someone hasn't already beaten me to the punch; she has a lot of friends), Crazyrhythm (sorry, buddy, but if I can do it so can you.:), and finally Pike Bishop, who I know will hold 'em from here to hell.

February 21st

Tomorrow it will be the 21st day of February.  Among the special events that happened on this day:

1916-Verdun, the bloodiest battle of World War I, began.

1956-Notorious Chicago mobster Jake "Greasy Thumb" Guzik dropped dead from a heart attack in a Windy City eatery.

1965-Malcolm X was assassintated.

Alan Rickman, Kelsey Grammer, Tyne Daly, Tricia Nixon Cox, and yours truly were born into the world. 

All Hail February 21.  Or something to that effect.

Slutney Kojak

Just when you think Slutney's buffoonery can't sink any lower.....  Even the late, great Anna Nicole Smith never sunk this low into the abyss.  I'd cry if I wasn't laughing so hard.

What's a Log Lady?

In this new re-calculation of the Levels,  I jumped from Level 55 to Level 68.  But what in the hell is a Log Lady?

If It Sounds Too Good to Be True...

It probably is.  I'm talking about the re-calculating of the Levels for us Level 50+ users.  Do we have a disaster in the making?  Why do the names Pete and Frank Gusenberg keep popping into my head? Stay tuned tomorrow.  Same bat time.  Same bat channel.