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Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare reveiw


Agian here another reveiw I've been putting off but here its the Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Xbox 360) reveiw.

Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare


Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Xbox 360) is one of best in the series as Activision finaly take the Call Of Duty out of World War II and into modern warfare. Campaign mode is realy short you could complete in 5 hours but has so much detail, you will between two drifferent soldiers the S.A.S and the USMC. The hole ponit of Call Of Duty is the aiming, so you will have your button to look down the sites and scopes. A new feature is the sniper beathing where you have two hold down a button to beath this will give you a high accurcey when you trying to head shot people. There some lovely effects in this game like flash bangs which make the screen all white and unable to see and the other effect is the blood eye where your about to die you will get a blood eye telling you to hide.

The thing that makes up for the short campaign mode is the detail online mode, online you will have the ranking like on Halo 3 but everything gives you expernice like killing some one, calling in airstrike and challenges. A new feature to online mode is when you get some kills in a row you can call in air strikes, rader and much more. Being able costumise your soldier is one of the best feature on online mode, where you can customise what weapons you have, attachments, and perks. Perks are abitlys that help you play better but you will have to level up to get other Perks higher perk don't mean that if your a high level you have adventage above new users.

Overall Call Of Duty 4 is a big change to World War II and for the best, the gameplay is fun and will challege you to play the harder levels. Online play is fun and will have you killing everyone until you unlock very gun and perk. If your a fan of the series that you will feel where there going where the series and if your new the you will find this game one of the best shoter on the market.

Assassin's Creed Reveiw


I've been putting this off for a while but here its is, the Assassin's Creed (Xbox 360) reveiw.

Assassin's Creed


Assassin's Creed (Xbox 360) this is the best game in the world. Let give you a little insite to the story, so Assassin's Creed is set in the year 1191 AD during the brutal times of the third crusade. You will play as a top assassin called Altaïr and its your job to stop war happenig in the Holy Lands. The story will take you though three hugh citys, taking down the top nine men contected with an ancient conspiracy. What makes this game so unquie is the gameplay, its 100% freerom and the other thing is how you finish your objective you will plan your attack and then you have to plan you escape which at first is easy but as the gruads become more awear you will have to realy fight your way free.

Weapons in this game are not the biggest section you ever see but the one they give you can be use to change the outcome of an escape or a fight. The weapon you are equit with are the sword whicth is the strongest weapon in the game, The hidden blade which will be the main weapon that you assassinate with, Short blade whitch is pretty much the sword but not a powerful but comes up with a higher kill ratio and last but not least the throwing knife which is your only range weapon.

The story line is very good with twist and turn which make this game what it is, the only bad thing about the story is its very confusing at the end. Another thing that make this game unquie is what ever you do effects the the towns people. The controlles work prefectly and the graphic are beautful with a few visual glitches.

Overall Assassin's Creed's is one of the best game on the market, the only things that will change you mind on this is the confusing story ending and the first two missions but after that you will want to finish the game. I would recommended this to eneyone would loves game where you have to think about your actions or if your looking for a great single player game.

Gaming News: Halo 3 Map + Guitar Hero Downloadable content


Right Here that weapons map I've been saying I had for a while. The map looks like the first level on campgain hopeful this will be as fun as the other map in forge mode.

The Image was found on Bungie
Ghost Town

In other new theres some new Guitar Hero III downloadable content, Three tracks from No Doubt's Tragic Kingdom (This was Gwen Stefani's old band). The three song pack includes the smash hit ballad "Don't speak," which catapulted the band to mainstream success in 1995, along with "Excuse Me Mr." and "Sunday Morning." They will cost as much as all the other three track packs.

I got Turok


How is everyone out there? The other day I got Turok (Xbox 360) and heres what I think of it. O'yes I might make a new rating system but make it easyer for you. I've got that Halo 3: Ghost Town weapon maps I will give it to show you soon.


:arrow: First Impression
Predicted Score: Awsome

Turok (Xbox 360) has come along way from hunting dinosaur, sofar I have play a little of online mode its very good with team on team action but it make it hard to kill everyone when dinoaurs usaly kill them before you have a chance. The story mode is very challeging, Im not going to give the story away but there no connextion between the old turok and the new apart from the name. The weapons sofar I've seen that you have a knife and the bow but you can only have two weapons so one SMG in one hand and a shotgun in the other.

My thoughs are that it not all that good but I've only played about one hour of the game so I'm not coming to complete say if this game is game is worth buying but if your a fan of the series don't get your hopes up.

I want to buy a book ?!


How is everyone? I was shock to day when I look around and found some books I might like, and I don't read much well I don't read eneything apart from peoples blogs. Here the list of book I'm hopefuly getting:

Heroes: Saving Charlie
Assassin's Greed book one: Invisible Imam
Halo: Gosht Of Onyx
Halo: First stike
Halo: The Fall Of Reach
Halo: The Flood

Yes there all to do with games but I'm just happy that I'm reading. O just one thing I found and the internet is there is going to be a Portal 2 well hopeful this is ture and I found a weapons lay out of the new halo map I will show you tomorow.


Gaming News: A New Halo 3 map


Yes Gaming News, Right so by the tile you can see that there a new halo 3 map revealed. Its called Ghost town and will be a 4 V.S 4 map where only close weapons will be used. Picture below is from

Ghost Town
here what Bungie said

"Once infrequently referred to as "O.K. Corral," Ghost Town (pictured throughout this story) is the first map from the upcoming Legendary Map Pack, the second injection of downloadable content coming to Halo 3 later this Spring.Artists Vic DeLeon andCameron Pinard and designer Lars Bakken answered a few quick questions to give readers more information about this abandoned shell in Africa."

For the full story click here

Medal Of Honor: Airborne Review


After a month I fix my PC (well there a few bit until its 100% fixed) it started playing Medal Of Honor: Airborne (PC) but was playing online mostly. Its only to day that I started playing campaign to day and I finish it and... well read the review. To note if you forgot the rating styem look at this blog Portal Reveiw + Other news

Medal Of Honor

:arrow: Review
Red Star Rating

Medal Of Honor: Airborne (PC) is the best in the series with lovely graphics, fun online game and a challeging campaign mode. In campaign you will play as private Boyd Travers of the first Airborne Division and will have go through six challeging levels. The first thing you well see is you jump out the plane at the begining of every misson this gives the player a big advantage being able to choose where you land so you can land in the middle of a fire fight (well you have to stuipd to do that in first place) or head stright to your objective. Another thing about parachuting is how you land, so if you land badly you will take longer to get you weapons and if you land correct you get into action much quicker. Other things in campaign like being able to land on the floor tops and snipe your enemies, petty much parachute is the bigest feature to this game.

Weapons in this game have a new feature upgrading which makes kill alot more rewarding, The only bad thing is if you die you will jump back to the stats you had at the last checkponit. Another feature is online which I have play alot of, Online is smooth and there no differents between campaign and online you will still jump form a plane in to action plus the online maps are form the campiagn mode so you know them well. Talking with friend online is hard I admint but use should just use Xfire. You don't need to of had play the other Medal Of Honors its a completely different story to the others the only thing you need to know is history.

Overall Medal Of Honor is a great game for people who are new the series but fan should fell right at home with Airborne. The level are long and chlleging. The online play is fun and you will sit at your PC until you have kill everyone. I would high recommend this game to people who love first person shooter and set in World War II.

Gaming news + Whats happening


How is everyone out there? My life has finaly claimed down a bit so I could get some time to play some games, I finaly got Medal Of Honor: Airbone (PC) to work the only thing is my PC still needs work so if I get half way though the game I might have to start again and I've been playing Half Life 2 (Xbox 360) I forgot how go the games is with pullzes. In other news they said that Aerosmith are getting there own Guitar Hero game, My though are that it will be a hit and miss but I will buy it just to see how it plays out.


Busy Busy


How is everyone? My life been busy. I've have got to send stuff to people, Fix my pc, Finish making films and more. I real haven't been on the Xbox apart to film stuff O'well I hope your life hasn't been as busy.
