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Mad_simon_000 Blog

I'm free


I finished school and now I'm free to finish my games, I have like 100 DS games that I have never played. Hope to speack to you all soon.

First year on Gamespot


Well today is the day when I join Gamespot. I know I have'nt been online lately but I've been busy with exams sorry but after them I will be back 100%.

I got Rock Bands

Yes it here Rock Bands(Xbox 360), in one day I completed drums on easy and done the co-op carrer. I'm in the band "The Night keepers" I will happly play with anyones band, see you online. Pictures soon.

A Big Post


How is everyone? well all week I've been getting games (well buying them), I got Assassin's Creed: (Limted Editions) Director's Cut Edition (PC), Mario Kart Wii (Wii), Worms: A Spaces Oddity (Wii) and a WiiFit sweatband. I have also brougth all Halo's soundtrack, Books and Gary's Mod 12 (PC). Here are some pictures of some of them.

Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed

Mario Kart Wii

Mario Kart Wii

Also heres my Crackdown (Xbox 360) reveiw, sorry it taken so long have'nt been online so much lately. Well here is the reveiw.



Crackdown (Xbox 360) is one of the best game in Xbox 360. In this game you are a freeroming police officer where you fight crime for fun. As you are genetic police officers you are powers beyond any human, so you can jump higher, lift buses, shoot guns with higher kill ratio and make bigger explostions. Well the story is that your new type of superagent you have been made to your take down the three top gang menbers. The graphics work realy well with the game, a sort of cartoon look with an adlut look to it. The only bad thing about this game is that there not alot of contain in the game to keep you happy after you complete the story.

The gameplay is fun and challaging in finding your targets and fighting your way to them. Playing online is fun in the way that its the same as single player mode but with your friends. The only thing to do after your finish the game is trying to level up all your skills Freerunning, Strength, Explosions, Driving and Firearms. Well if you like big explosions and freerunning around town, then this is the game for you but don't look forward alot of contian after the you've finish the game.

The big 20 im finaly Level 20


Yes under a year I'm level 20 yes. Assassin's Creed (PC)is out on friday and then on nexts tuesday the new Halo 3 (Xbox 360) maps are out yes, So a good week for games. Sorry I haven't been online lately.



well I'm sorry I haven't been on latly but I've been busy with my website but I'm back look out for firends blogs. Will in the time I have been work on the site I have completed Crackdown (Xbox 360) there will be a reveiw up soon and I started to play Beatiful Katamari (Xbox 360) my brother spends every waking moement on it and has completed it twice, so hopeful I will try and beat hes score. I've been making a Halo 3 zomie map called "Masion V1" its not finished but O'well. Well thats all thats new, so how have you been ?

Why I haven't been on + Other news


How is everyone out there? I'm ok, now the reason I haven't been online because I been working on my website. Your welcome to visit click here to visit, please join the forums and enjoy. In other news Assassin's Creed (PC) is out soon as well as the Call Of Duty 4 (Xbox 360) and Halo 3 (Xbox 360) map pack so that will be fun, Look forward to play some of you online. I got Puisut Force (PSP) its so fun jumping to car to car, shoting people in the head what fun.

I've Been Tagged + Other News


How is everyone out there? Well I've been tagged, well I have been tagged for a bit but I didn't know what to say. Before that, Thank you I got over 1000 veiws, happy days. I've playing a lot more of Crackdown (Xbox 360) and Assassin's creed (DS). Assassin's creed (DS) is not what I though I was going to be in graphics they work realy well, I don't know about side scolling back ground but still a good game. Now on to five thin that you might not know about me.

1. I'm a complete Guitar Hero Freak, I play all the games 24-7.

2. I play a Bass Guitar, I got into play through Guitar Hero 3. I'm trying to learn the song Hysteria by Muse at the moment.

3. I love cherry coke, hum cherry.

4. I have long hair, cool.

5. I love making films, I love creating a world of magic that is why I love making films.

Well if you live by me you will know some of those things any way.

Gaming News: New Halo 3 Map Blackout & Guitar Hero: On Tour


Well here it is the latest Halo 3 map coming out in April, "Blackout" As its name suggests, Blackout is a remake of the Halo 2's Lockout, a cold series of interconnected platforms and walkways. Where Avalanche was retuned, reworked and massaged into something both familiar and unfamiliar, Blackout is a remake in a pretty strict sense of the word.

Full Story Here

Blackout looks to be a King Of The Hill type of game. Hopefuly there will be different forge stuff to play in this map pack. Now in other news, Guitar Hero on the DS will be out in shops June 1st 2008. This game comes with a gripy bottun holder that goes in the bottum of you DS. Heres a picture of the hole thing below.

Guitar Hero DS
Full Story Here

Crackdown Impression + Other News


How is everyone on gamespot? I've finaly whatch season one and two of LOST what a great sereis, I've pre-order season three apart from that there nothing new but I have brought all the Crackdown (Xbox 360) downloadable content not the picture packs.


First Impression
Predicted Score: Star

Crackdown (Xbox 360) is one those games where you play it and just say wow. In this game you are a freeroming police officer where you fight crime for fun. As you are genetic police officers you are powers beyond any human, so you can jump higher, lift buses, shoot guns with higher kill ratio and make bigger explostions. The game realy is one bigger sandbox where you do what you like.

I been playing about 2 hours of this game and sofar the game has been fun but tricky with trying to level up. The graphic are nice and work realy well. Sofar the game has been fun and interesting.