[QUOTE="Silenthps"][QUOTE="evilross"]you fail, 75% of the wii games are total crap... its a perfect comparison. Take a look at any billboard sales chart and then look at the grammy awards.
Most music that wins grammys these days is crap, based on sales and popularity, but every once in a while an artist will get through on name alone. Wii is the same way... a bunch of crap everone wants to like, and is freindly, easy, and doesnt rock the boat.
Wii is to Video Gaming what Nickelback is to rock n roll
kinda like how games like halo3 and cod4 get awards based on popularity while artistic masterpeices like mario galaxy, zack and wiki and metriod prime3 bearly get the attention they deserve?
artistic masterpieces??? thats funny to begin with... and not getting attention? that even more ridiculous.
Waggle that 'mote man! your in with the cool crowd now.
I really hope Nintendo doesnt crap out the market like Atari did in '82. But its really oddly the same...
I feel bad for game developers that look at gaming as a serious thing, not a hobbie for kids.... Nintendo is trying to set console gaming back 10 years to turn a profit off the handheld market they dominate.
Firstly, that comparison holds no water. Guess what 75% of the PS2 game library was? I'll give you a hint, it starts with the letter "C" and ends with "rap".
Secondly, those 3 games "Mario, Metroid, and Z-dub" are indeed artistic masterpieces, each in it's own way. The art direction in Metroid Prime 3 was simply AMAZING, with multiple publications saying the graphics border more on the art side of the "graphics discussion". And lets not forget the fact that it had the best FPS controls on a console, thus proving that the "waggle" wasn't (and isn't) just a useless gimick.
Mario Galaxy is a platforming masterpiece in a time when little to no platformers come out at all. In a year of FPS after FPS, it was refresing, and brilliant at the same time., or at least that is what 58 big name reviews have thought so far (as well as I). And yet again the motion sensing was implemented in an amazing way that could only be done on the Wii.
And lastly, i'm not even going to defend Zack and Wiki simply because the game needs no one to defend it. If you think that game is nothing more then a waggle gimmick, then there is no way you have played it for more then 20 minutes.
So, I wonder. How can Nintendo be bringing about the downfall of gaming culture as we know it if they are helping to bring back to nearly dead genres (Platforming and Adventure), as well as completely perfecting another control scheme? Seems strange dosen't it?
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