1) This is not a damage controll thread, if anything I am a Hermit or Sheep as they are the only things I directly own, with a 360 and PS3 in direct play distance.
2) I just had to share this with people, because you all need to see this.
Seriously, when I read the reviews for Uncharted and Mass Effect [from Gamespot], I just wasn't "wow'ed" enough to even care, after all I don't own either system to play them on. In fact, they both kind of soured my stomache into not wanting to play. Then I went on gametrailers and watched these:
Mass Effect Review
Uncharted Review
Those two video reviews actually had me WANTING to play both of these games, so much that I'm going to suggest that each person that owns the consoles next to me go actually buy these games (mostly so I can play them, lol). But in the end, I was wondering something. Why is it that Gamespot's reviews don't get me as excited about games in general as GT's do? I've always assume that it was just the fact that the videos for the Gametrailers reviews are just plain put together better, but is that really it? Maybe when a review is in text form you just focus on the negatives more or something.
So just curious, what does everyone else think? Obviously GT's reviews will never "count" here (and I couldn't care less about that), but don't they seem to be of a little bit better quality (or at least look more on the bright side of things) then the recent Gamespot reviews?
P.S. Gametrailers Rock Band review almost makes me want to shell out the money to buy it ... almost.
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