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Grim Fandango

Oh my god this game is amazing, I feel like such a fool for not playing it sooner. The characters are loveable, the dialogue is brillaint, this score is incredible, the story is amazing, and the puzzles are the kind that make you cheer when you figure them out.

What a great game.

Three Games that Must be Played

3. Silent hill 2

This is no doubt one of the richest horror games ever made. Featuring a tear-jerking plot, characters who act as if they are in another world, and some of the best horror done in a video game. There is a very good reason Silent Hill 2 appears on "Best games ever" and "Scariest video games ever" lists for a reason.

2. Deadly Premonition

even if you hate DP, or even if you love it. You MUST play it just for the experience of playing it. It's such an odd game, I mean, most of anything that comes out of Japan is odd (see Tetsuo: The Iron Man) but DP is odd in such an odd way that you want everyone to play. And it boasts one of the most original plots I've seen in years. And IGN didn't like it so you know it's good.

1. Deus Ex

Okay kiddies, put away Mass Effect and come play a real Sci-Fi RPG. Deus Ex is an incredible game, as it is one of the only games to offer choice and actually implement it well. Almost everything you do is observed by the game and everything is altered in response. You can change the way things play out by say, killing a certain character at a certain moment, or not killing them then. Deus Ex is incredibly deep, and as of now, boasts the best and most compelling plot I've ever seen in a video game.

InFamous and BioShock Infinite

Holy moly you guys, InFamous is awesome. I could go into why I like this game so much, but the main character shoots lightning out of his hands so I don't see why I need to elaborate.

Seriously, for the longest time i didn't think the Ps3 would get a great exclusive series than InFamous blew me away.

And now onto BioShock Infinte.

I have been genuinely excited for this game, but now the gameplay trailer has quickly shown me to never be excited ever.

Two weapon limit (I can deal.)

Regen health (Awful design, but good gameplay can make up for it.)

I can't tell what is gameplay and what is scripted. (Well that doesn't help at all.)

Firefights look terrible and weapons are terrible. (Well it is the 1910s.)

Elizabeth's boobs look squarish around the edges (will you all please stop using the Unreal Engine?)

I'll give them credit though, the atmosphere is amazing, the enemy at the end looked hella fun to fight, the art design is incredible, and I am all ready attached to Booker and Elizabeth for their great characterization.

I guess I'll rent BioShock Infinite for the story and art.

Quake Live

Quake 3 Arena was one of my first games, which was one of the reasons I wanted to try Quake Live. But upon playing Quake Live, I feel so very disappointed. And I'm having a hard time pin pointing why. Aesthetically they're both the same game but there is something about it that just makes me hate it.

The Community, for one thing, is awful. Composed entirely of childish idiots who either don't speak english or spell like they can't speak english. And almost everyone plays as Bones or Keel. And, on the subject, when you start the game. Every enemy is a Bright-Green Keel by default, I call this "Baby bullsh!t Parkinsons Mode." Because little Timmy just can't handle Quake Live unless everyone is a big green robot. It's an insult to me as I HATE KEEL. I swear, I have every single person who plays as him, I hate the very thought that someone who plays as Keel is allowed to draw breath.

It's the kind of game you'd imagine some accountant playing while at the office, but mostly it's played by stupid 12 year olds whos Moms wouldn't buy them the real MANLY VERISON of Quake 3 Arena.

That reminds me, Quake Live is a real toned down version of Quake 3, probably so the kiddies could get in on the action, as all the gore and satanic imagery has been removed. This shouldn't make a difference, but I still find it stupid anyways.

The Maps and Weapons are largely unchanged, but other than that, Quake Live is a wimp's version of Quake 3. You'd be better off buying Quake 3 for ten dollars on Steam because it's better than Quake Live.

The Darkness 2

I'm pretty excited for this game, the first game had a fantastic storyline and I hear Mike Patton is returning for the sequel.

Wonder if Kirk Avocedo is returning as Jackie....

He's being voiced by.....

oh god....

Nolan North.

Oh deary cheese and crackers I hate this man's voice so much.

Why Epic Games shouldn't make Unreal anymore.

As it's clearly stated, I absoulutely love Unreal. (The first game that is, not a diehard of the Tournament games or that stupid Sequel.) I love Unreal like some gifted and beauitufl prodigy child and that's why it's so appaling that the makers of this gifted super child, Epic Games, could make boring and brown trash like Gears of War. This is exactly why I don't want Epic making anymore Unreal games, because it's obvious they have forgotten how to make a good game.

Unreal Tournament 3 was all ready a bad display into the future of Unreal games, the weapons were mighty fine and all but everything else was so dark and boring and everyone had suits of armor that looked like mech suits and the women were unlikeable snobs. It was such a downgrade from the excellent Unreal Tournament 2004 and it displays very bad things for the future of Epic.

I mean, they managed to piddle all over Bulletstorm and turn it into "SPACE MARINE SMACKDOWN" because of the highly negative influence of Cliffy B. which is absolutely bizzare considering he was one of Unreal's lead designers. But if you play Unreal you'll see he only designed a couple levels. The boring and grey first level and the grey and brownRrajigar Mines.

See the connection?

Everything else in Unreal was beautiful and atmospheric which makes these turd levels very jarring.

My main problem with Gears is in the design, the gameplay itself is just fine, it leans towards tactics which is painfully simple due to regen health and the idiot A.I, which is also jarring, as Unreal has some of the best A.I I've seen in any game. Gears is boring and brown and the plot is stupid and the characters are awful.

This is honestly why I don't want Epic to make a new Unreal, because they'll mess it up, they'll throw out the concept of a big colorful game and immediatley Cliffy B. will throw out "BROWN GRAPHICS! SPACE MARINES! COVER BASED SHOOTINGS! REGEN HEALTH!" than the design team will get Dollar Signs in their eyes and Unreal 3 will be made and I'll die a little inside.

But I'm sure when they're done with Gears of War 3 they'll be busy with their long awaited games Jazz Jackrabbit 3 and Jill of the Jungle 2.

First Impressions of Blacklight: Tango Down

Wow, I'm pleasantley surprised.

I was browsing demos and Blacklight caught my eye, and, well, I'm pretty stoned face. It's fun. That's it. It's like a strange lovechild of Halo and Call of Duty but without the awful community.

It's really fun, but my complaints mainly rest on design. The maps are grey and boring, the weapons are terribly designed, and the game is buggy and freezes up at very innoprotune times.

other than that, I would gladly spend 15 dollars on it, it's very enjoyable.

Battlefield Series

Consider this like a review of sorts.

I recentley bought Battlefield 1943 on PSN and Battlefield 2 for PC, and I figured I'd give my corresponding opinions out of the way right off the bat.

Warning, there will probably be some negativity. Although knowing me you all really shouldn't be surprised by now.

Battlefield 2, yeah I like it. It's like the original Modern Warfare, everything is nicely balanced and all the classes work just fine, of course, I don't play as sniper since I have too shaky hands to even aim a sniper straight.

I wasn't able to play online due to my awful internet connection, so I wasn't able to experience the whole game. but yeah, I like Battlefield 2, a lot. I really can't think of much to say on it because it's just a lot of fun. Plain and simple.

Battlefield 1943 is pretty okay, whenever you spawn there is always an enemy tank next to you that blows your nipples off, and there are tanks ferking EVERYWHERE. And why don't the machine guns have aim down sights? Your character just puts his head closer to the barrel. That's stupid, I figured it was obvious that you aim weapons down nowadays. Petty complaints, but they bothered me.

On the flipside, when you are able to get kills and tanks don't hunt you down the game is quite fun and driving around the huge maps is quite a blast.

I'm hoping to get my stupid hands on Bad Company 2 soon.

-Marky Mark Wahlberm

Music is pretty cool.

And Mindless Self Indulgence is pretty cool, I'm in love with this band. Anyone who can make a song called fa**ot is a winner in my book.

Also, I tried L.A Noire with a friend, that game is excellent, I can't recommend it fast enough.

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