With Zelda delayed... sigh...
I wish they could have at least told us when in 2006. But honestly, I'm not that surprised. At E3 they were still talking about how much worked they needed to do to finish the game.
So, what now? TP was supposed to be drawing my gaming attention for the rest of this year and a great deal of 2006. Now all my interest has is... the 360. I hope I don't cave and buy that thing on launch, but it's quite alluring, isn't? How many people buy the first next gen console when it comes out? How many people buy any new console when it comes out? I know I do.
These purchases on my part were for the most part never foolhardy, at least with regards to Nintendo consoles. I knew that when I got my SNES that good times were ahead along with the possibility of so many great games. I bought the Playstation 1, but I was stupid here; I bought the console for a single game: FF7. I was disapointed. Sure lots of great(er) games came out for the console later, but I'd done something very foolish with a console I knew little about and could have cave with the end result of me minus hundreds of dollars. The N64 I got just like my SNES, and just like my SNES, I was right about the quality of games that were to be had. Next generation, I buy the PS2. It didn't work out for me this time. Neither did the GameCube. The games of this generation are just... It's hard to explain. They don't give you the same sense of wonder or adoration that the past generations had. This could be due to a lot of things: greater production costs and shorter time tables to complete games, the main-streaming of the market (this is a definite), or maybe it's just that I'm growing up. I hope not.
On second thought, I'm going to hold out on that 360, for a little while. I'll see how it does and if it games begin to interest me; I'm betting they will, as most developers and publishers are going multi platform next gen. Nintendo, even though they disappoint again and again... well, I'll be buying Revolution on the first day. No matter how much they let me down, they always make up for it and more. They give me something that very few other developers could; they give me games that enrich my soul (gaming and otherwise) and simply make me smile. From Duck Hunt to Super Mario World to Super Mario 64 to Pikmin 2, and so many more.
I'm happy they're delaying Zelda. It gives them more time to pack in even smiles for their awaiting fans.
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