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Well, a very interesting individual has popped up on the Moz la Punk ( messageboards.

Moz originally began support for the "N-Game" and due to many clever and hard working members of the community, they have hypothesized many interesting ideas and provided astonishing links between Nintendo and their supposed puzzle pieces. It was beginning to die down a little, what with the disappointment of, but this mysterious visitor is starting the fire right back up again.

Moz is going to have the exclusive on his web site soon, I'd be amazed if he isn't working on it right now, but I'm going to go over it just for fun. It is hard to say if he is doing this for kicks or rewarding this community in earnest, yet I'm optimistic. Only because I think a stereoscopic peripheral would be amazing. Not to mention it would kick the hoo-ha out of HD TVs. ^_^

Ah! That was fast! Moz has already updated! Perhaps I'll just summarize since he's done all the work already. Mephisto claims he is a developer who has already received Nintendo dev kits. To "back up" his claims, he provided a pic of supposedly a non-disclosure agreement in his possession (when asked to reveal the Nintendo logo on the front of the envelope, he said that he had already sent the agreement back, so, hmm.)

He also provided photos of some sort of dev pamphlet, one photo showing an ugly looking helm which he claimed to be a step in the helmet's evolution, and another pic with a slightly more attractive design in some sort of table of contents. When asked about the bulkiness and, quite frankly, ugly nature of the helmet, he said that it would be customizable to make it "more pleasing to the eyes" and that the helmet itself would be an "upgrade." He continued to say that there would be separate controllers for those who did not want to purchase the helmet.

Mephisto also says that he cannot take more pictures, of course, until he gets back to the office on Monday. Why am I not surprised? I suppose we'll see in two or three days if this guy has any more "proof" or photoshopping skills, or just plain ditches the boards altogether.

I am loving the idea of this add-on visor more and more; it has been fermenting in my mind since the On video! I think Nintendo really could pull it off. And honestly, the VB was not a failure. It was too advanced technologically for its time to be affordable and was subject to propaganda of health issues. No. Nintendo can figure out a way to do this cheaply and safely. Even if this guy's false, I really do believe that this visor is going to be happening this generation, not next.

HD Television

Oh. My. God. System Wars is starting to implement the imploding of my brain. I really should veer away from there for a while, but it's just so much fun to read!

At least, until people start flaunting their wealth and superior television sets.

First of all, let me say: WTF? How is a regular ol' TV any different than an HD TV? "But, teh crisp!!!" or "But teh wide screen!!!" At the end of the day day people, you're still staring at a box that lights up with pretty colors! Nothing more, nothing less! "But it looks so realistic!!!" It's a f*****g game! It's not supposed to be realistic, and I don't know where this craze sprouted up! When I play a game it sure as hell isn't because I want to focus on this crappy reality! I play a game to get away, and if the story, gameplay, and character development is good enough, I will. How many games have I completely and totally lost myself in this generation or previous? Too many to count! Now, this can range from a few seconds to a multitude of minutes, but it still happens! As long as it happens even for a fleeting moment, I have gotten out of gaming what I wanted.

Next, posters insulting other posters because they're poor. I'm assuming most of these posters are U.S. citizens because this country is majorly materialistically f****d up. Whenever someone doesn't have $500+ dollars to go out and waste on some trivial piece of consumerism cholesterol, I know that I will always see either 'WTF? Ur poor!' or 'STFU get a job!' Does no one have a problem with these insults? I hardly ever see anyone retaliating against such imbecilic charges leaving those posters with the confidence to spew it out again at a later date.

So to sum up, rather therapeutically, I am not going to spend $500+ on a box that serves no productive purpose in my life nor am I going to feel bad that I have other priorities than gaming for my income.





Now here's a kitty!

McDonald's makes my sausage biscuits soggy...

I'm having breakfast out today since ants have pretty much invaded our kitchen. I have a sort of phobia about insects, which has led to my inability to bring myself to eat any food the ants have been sighted near. We're going to work on the problem tonight, but in the meanwhile my mother agreed I could eat fast food. I've always loved McDonald's breakfasts, probably because they were the only decent choice where I used to live. But, up north, man, they just make everything so soggy! I can barely stomach the hashbrowns (sooo much grease!) but the sausage... it's just disgusting. I swear, it's the last time I'm ordering one! Until I think "Well, maybe this time it will be good!" again.

McDonald's doesn't operate like that. It's never 50/50. Long John Silver's does! Alas, there is not one in twenty miles from where I live. And I'm lazy. I think it's from all the fast food.

In other news, I was browsing through System Wars last night -- er -- I must now make the mandatory statement of: whahahaahahahahaha-SW-hahaaha!! Ahem. There were quite a few 'Nintendo dying' threads. I don't get it. All these cows and lemmings want to see Nintendo's demise because they want to see Nintendo games on their respective consoles? WTF? Can someone fill me in on this, 'cause I just don't get it. If they like Nintendo developed games so much to rather see Ninty go third party than die out altogether, this means they really enjoy the games right? So, they complain about Nintendo's first party status beacause... they like their games. Why don't they just buy the console? Ah, SW logic... It makes my head hurt!

Then again, it could just be a side effect of the soggy sausage.

$3,999.05 (caps you lamers)

$3999.05!!! That's how much much my collection is valued at! Ha! I wish! Jeese, where do they get their numbers? Oh, and it was 4G yesterday; I think it went down because I remembered to add Friday the 13th for the NES to my list! :P

Osoko updated his blog, ( in case you didn't know. There are only two Rev blogs I'm still following with caution. The first being Osoko's and the second being Jesse over at NintendoBlogger. I partially trust Osoko because of his broken English (it's endearing!) and I partially trust Jesse because he seems like a regular joe not claiming to be the messiah or anything. But, I still don't buy Jesse's DK proof. Who didn't know there was going to be a DK game for the Rev? It's common sense. But still, I read them with an open heart.

I suppose I'll discuss Osoko first. This, like Jesse's blog later, will be a purely analytical overview of the blog, not the truth. From what I gleaned, Nintendo's going in a completely new direction with their games due to the new way we'll be playing them. He says there will be "Nintendo" games, but he's taking ALL games into account, retro included. Hmm. Not so sure I like that. Next, there will be an adventure game with the player as the main character. NO. Absolutely not. I do not want to see myself running around fiery dungeons and the like; I can barely stand to look at myself in real life. This does take a chunk out of his believability, however; he presents this information after all the cube mapping hooplah, where others have already surmised such a feat would be possible. It could be this guy is now just feeding off of Nintendo speculators now instead of wild guesses. The Broadway technology at "90 onm"? Wha? What is that? Is that good? I'll find out later today, I'm sure. He dodges points in the questions, so nothing much there.

The German interview in the comment section I found pretty interesting though. I translated it on one of those free translators so of course some things are sketchy. According to Osoko, he worked on the "compatibility of the Revolution to all the previous systems," which means he worked on the emulation and also the "interface of the Revolution," which I assume is menus and the like. He goes on to say the "system will make game development without big costs possible" and that "this is important because the Revolution makes use of many good games." Hmm. Could tie in with the rumor that player development or modding of games will be a key factor. He makes some obvious choices in good third party support, nothing extraordinary, and says the Rev will still hook up to a T.V. He then says that "you would have to see (or use) a demonstration of the controller to get an idea of the "feeling" (He is referring to the 'Touching is good, but feeling is better' slogan). This comment could tie in with the heating/cooling controller idea circulating. Or, the controller could be made out of velvet. :P Aaand.... that's about it. He made some other claims that common sense could lead anyone to make, but overall, a pretty interesting read from multiple standpoints. You can read the interview here:

Well, that was all well and good, but many of the claims he made kind of frightened me off. To me, he basically said Nintendo is creating a revolution in gaming, but also within themselves. I suppose all things have to change at some point, but if this is true, I will cry just as I would cry if they went out of business. The death of Nintendo as I know it is not something I look forward to. But, I'll look at this "article" positively. Maybe I'm just a crappy analyst and I'm skewing everything!

Alright, next is Jesse's blog ( He also made some claims that made my heart sink. Damn you bloggers! Leave my sensitive Nintendo crafted heart alone! -_- Hm, well, anyway... He says that he spoke to his Nintendo insider (yes, I groaned, too) and that the price of downloadable games will range from $1 to $10, from least to most popular. Sure, it makes since from a business perspective, but it still makes my wallet cry! He also said that games will be released "when Nintendo feels the time is right, or will be available when you purchase certain games," both being undecided. Grrr! But... yeah, I can also see where they're coming from if that is true as well. Now, Jesse also says that anyone will be able to make games on the Rev. I seriously see this as happening, no from the blogs, but from Mario Paint and the Mario Artist series on the 64DD. This is something Nintendo has always wanted to do, and something I highly look forward to. See, I've always wanted to do that, too! But, but, and then, and then, and then.... *sob* He said there won't be any more Pikmin games! Ever! No! This had better not be true! I've been waiting so long for them to announce Pikmin 3! It's one of my favorite games of all time, so why would they...they...? *sob*

Ah well. It's just a video game after all, and after that, it's just speculation! Either way, I had a great time reading Jesse's blog. If he's not honest and neither is "D," he sure did a great job of sounding like he was! I mean, this guy really sounds like the real deal! I'm thinking this guy has taken a few advanced writing classes in his day, or boy does he have talent!

So, yeah, that's about it for me. Go read the blogs if you haven't. Have fun with all the possibilities! And after that, play a classic Nintendo game, if only for nostalgia purposes. I'm going to go play Pikmin. *sob*

First one, eh?

Well, this is new. Really new. I've never used the internet much before, despite the length I've had it; I guess I knew what life was before it existed. It's not essential to me, but it's helpful. Oh, and if I keep up on this journal thing, you'll find that my writing tends to drift into completely different areas than where it began. Just a warning.

Like I said, I haven't used the internet much, at least for posting and conversing. This facet of the online world terrifies me. I'm terribly shy, almost criminally so. Oh, and kudos to anyone that catches that very vague reference to one of my favorite bands and their most mainstream song. I'm also fairly new to journaling. Well, sort of. When I was a little girl I was handed a diary every birthday and I would be overjoyed! I would write in it for a few days about the most mindless occurrences you can imagine, and then I would forget about it for a few days, and then a few weeks, and, well... let's just say, after five birthdays, I had filled up about twelve pages. I'll be very pleased with myself if this goes on longer than a month. Heck, I'll be ecstatic if I can reach a week!

Hmm... So how do journals usually go? I suppose I should start off with my day and migrate to my thoughts, yes? Okay, here goes.

I was up all night due to anxiety over meeting a new doctor this morning at seven. I'd never been to a "real" doctor before, as I began seeking medical attention when I was seventeen, technically still a child. Oh, I've had a mysterious (~ooooh~) illness for about a year and a half now and if I'm going to be writing this journal, I'm going to be writing about it a lot. It includes pain in my sides, severe fatigue, loss of concentration, joint pain especially in the knees, tenderness around the joints, low-grade fever, and the loss of twenty pounds in six weeks. Pretty much vague symptoms all across plus many others, except for the weight loss. That one's new.

The last doctor I and my mother went to totally brushed us off. She didn't even care about all of my symptoms, scowled at my age (she was a pediatrician, but the receptionist who scheduled it said they took up to 24 year-olds, and we figured this woman could diagnose me better as a young adult), and took about fifteen minutes to do a check up before saying that it was fibromialgia. She didn't even take into account the blood I've had, well, in the toilet. She said we should schedule an appointment with some lady at the Arthritis Foundation and that was that.

The doctor today was much nicer. She's my mom's doctor and since we just moved up here, she's the only one we know. She actually cared about ALL of my symptoms, including this weird bump that popped up on my finger the other day. It really has me worried. Anyway, se recommended that yes we consult the Arthritis dr. and also a gastrointerologist she rrecommended. We both felt so much better after the appointment. After so many brush offs as simply "I don't knows" or "it's just depression or chronic fatigue," we finally know what we're supposed to be doing! It's a nice feeling.

So, I'm not in school yet. I'm going to register for some fall classes at the local community college and possibly go to George Mason next year. Nothing too exciting. I do plan to major in English, but, I don't know... Because of the illness, I don't have much aim in life and could care less about my future. 'Course, I am an existentialist.

But enough of the set up. This is GameSpot, right? Let me talk about the games.

The games. What games? I admit, I've been out of it for a while, due to the illness and other personal problems, but Nintendo has sucked me back in.

It originally began with my wanting to beef up my paltry "retro" game library (this was months ago), and a reintroduction to the games I love. I was also working on my PS library, but I found there simply weren't that many games that interested me on it. This reintroduction to a few of the games I love helped to restore my interest in Nintendo and gaming in general. I don't have many GC titles right now due to budget constraints, but I'm loving every minute of the games I do have. I've especially been enjoying Pikmin 2 lately. It's such a great game to just grab and play for periods of time, short or long. Honestly, whenever I get bored or slightly depressed, I always end up coming back to this game!

I'm looking forward to purchasing a DS, whenever we have the money. There are some things that come before gaming systems, like food and electricity. When we do have the money, though, I'm hoping to get an import of the candy pink model. To me, this is the most aesthetically pleasing, despite its color. Oh, but this does lay down the guilt on me. I feel like I won't be supporting Nintendo if I import my DS; they need my support in the U.S., but that platinum, just soooo ugly! I'm going to be wrestling with this one for a while... I'm looking forward to almost all of the games in the 2005 lineup, but Nintendogs the most. Is this because I'm a girl? No. Is this because I'm casual? No. It is because this is a game for a portable console. This is a game that you can play for five minutes or for fifty and still get a thoroughly enjoyable experience. The DS is portable. It's for short waits or long drives, and this game is going to take full advantage of that while delivering a great game in the process. ...Is what I think. Of course, I won't know until I play it.

I'm extremely hyped about the Revolution, not so much about the console itself, but the speculation that addresses it. It is so much fun to see all the creative ideas people come up with, and all the amazing ways they conspiratorially link Nintendo to various areas. It's just so much fun to watch gamers coming together to figure out this mystery! I think it really has brought the Nintendo community closer together.

However, I'm also very excited about the BC the Rev will have, I'm just a little worried about the price tags. A couple dollars here and there can really add up, but I'll just have to be VERY picky with my choices of downloads. I do hope they implement a sort of system along the lines of "if you own the game in cartridge form, you can download it for free," but I really don't know how they'd implement that.

You know, I just realized something. Maybe I subconsciously took a hiatus from gaming because I was just getting sick and tired of it. Of the same old RPGs, the same old action/adventures, the same old RTSs... just, the same old everything. I really do hope Nintendo has something truly revolutionary up their sleeves, or I'm afraid this might be the last gen for me. I don't know, though. Maybe they come up with what will turn out to be great and I'll kick myself for ever wanting such an "extreme" revolution. I do know they're pretty much one of the last hopes for injecting new blood into the crusty veins of the current gen and next. Especially with the system wars being about graphics and not gameplay or quality.


I miss the 2D days...

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