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MagicCake Blog

Well then, here we go

This looks much worse than it actually is. Most of my game has been set and realized in my head, now it just needs to be set and realized and elaborated on paper. It's going much slower than anticipated. I procrastinate! For shame, Emily!

Progress Report on Emily's Untitled Project:

STORY: 25% (actual) 40% (averaged)
World created: 80%
Species created: 100%
Tightened: 40%
Characters created: 90%
Religions created: 30%
Story run through: 50%
Script for story: 10%
Storyboard: 0%
Script for side quests: 0%
Script for NPC dialogue: 0%
GAME: 0% (actual) 0% (averaged)
Battle system implemented: 0%
Tightened: 0%
Story script implemented through events: 0%
RGSS script completion: 0%
Implementation: 0%
MUSIC: 0% (actual) 0% (averaged)
Tracks completed: 0%
Tracks implemented in-game: 0%
GRAPHICS: 5% (actual) 12% (averaged)
Art style decided upon: 100%
Tilesets: 3%
Charsets: 5%
Battle charsets: 0%
Battle animations: 0%
Dialogue portraits: 0%
Environmental effects: 0%
Icons: 0%
Menus: 0%
5% (actual) 13% (averaged)

Whoof. I'm doing well, aren't I?

Get to work! Now!

Must... make self... do... something!!!

RMXP roxxorz my soxxorz --- to the EXTREME!

I haven't been posting much lately because I've been hard at work on an RMXP (legally bought) game I'm making. I just finished the first half of the story run-through (finally!) but still have much to do!

I have yet to finish my background info on the world, history of the world, species contained therein, characters contained therein, etc, etc. At least I've nailed down an art style. Now I just have to create at least thirty tilesets I'm sure (I haven't really counted up all of the different areas and themes of the world); at least, oh, I'd say anywhere from 25-40 3rd and 2nd-tier characters; a multitude of NPCs, each one of which must be in some way different from the other since my dialogues will feature the portrait of every creature spoken to; the portraits themselves which for the main characters will be animated to some degree; and... oh God. I haven't event thought about the art required for the battles.

As for the story, I still have to finish the second half of the runthrough. Then when the runthrough is finished I have to write the script. Then when that's done I have to write the scripts for side quests. And then I'll have to re-read the storyline script and tweak and correct. And then finally I'll have to write the NPC scripts. And after all that is done? Storyboards. Yippee.

What else is there? I've hopefully pegged down someone who will write the RGSS scripts for me since I simply can't wrap my head around coding languages right now; too much to do! Also hopefully that person will also be scoring my game. I think that's a definite. If he doesn't script, he'll definitely be writing the music. Because I'll be putting a gun to his head. ^_^

If he doesn't work out for the scripting, I'll have to find someone else and beg them to help me, which might not be so easy since this game is going to require some major scripting. I've also got to find willing and helpful volunteers who will aid me in tweaking battle form and tactics, item layout, and overall game strategy. In addition to that, I hope to find someone who will help me in butchering my script into workable and enjoyable form, and who will help me make sure that my characters are tangible and like-able. I might need a few people for that. After all that, I'll also need some willing and trustworthy beta testers.

I just want to make a game that everyone can enjoy and have fun with! That's why I'm drawing so much from the old school SNES RPGs like SoM and the Lufias.

You know, it was fun getting this off of my chest. I might come back here every day or every week and post my project status. It might be a good motivator, you know? And I might showcase some of my better concept designs and resources, who knows?

Alright! Sounds like fun!

Health Update

First of all, before we get going into my creaky physiology, what is up with the article in Console News? The one about female gamers and gamers over 25 increasing on the DS and PSP? It cites an example for each: the first is Nintendogs female user base for the DS, the second is that brain training game's 25+ user base on the DS. That's it. No other examples. Then it talks about some golf game on the PSP, with no statistics concerning female or 25+ user percentage. Then it goes into hardware sales for each portable. Uh, am I missing something here? From the examples given, it seems like the DS alone is drawing in the females and oldies. Why on earth does this article in any way or form mention the PSP? Is Gamespot secretly biased against all things Sony and doesn't want their newest Sony arrival left out in positive handheld news? I really really really really really hope not. Bias is an ugly, ugly thing. Especially for a news company/site.

Alright. Now that my "whu-huh?" moment is over, onto my medical update.

Went to see a gastrointerologist last week because of the bleeding and weight loss. She was really nice and listened to everything I said - a first - and scheduled an endoscopy/colonoscopy for today. I took the pills this time (my last endo/colon I took the liquid; I wasn't old enough to take the pills), but it was still grueling. Even more so this time due to the sharp pains I suffered and the gingerale I had to drink. I really can't tolerate heavily carbonated drinks, they make me very ill. But, I suffered through and cleaned myself out.

I went to the hospital today for the procedures and everyone was very nice. I suppose it was because I was so young. My mother and brother came with me (they were both really nervous, more so than I!), but my mother couldn't sit with me this time. So after fifteen minutes of fumbling with my gown, I laid down on one of those gurneys for an hour until they wheeled me into a surprisingly small room. I was out in a flash and when I awoke, I was back in the gurney hall with a nurse trying to stir me.

The first thing I remember is her saying that I had a polyp. I asked her what a polyp was, and she said I had to wait for the doctor to explain everything to me. The second thing I remember is really having to use the bathroom. 'Twasn't just the flushing out of excess gas. 'Course, it wasn't really the need to use the bathroom proper, either. I just really hurt to the point of thinking I needed to flush myself out. I only mention that because it was so frustrating and lasted so long.

Turns out the pain was caused by the removal of a lump of inflammation. The doctor said it looked like a polyp, but that it was probably just inflammation and that they were going to do a biopsy of it. We have to call to find out the results (and the results of previous blood work, I assume) in ten days. We might schedule another appointment then, too. Don't really know.

So, that's it for me for now. God, this time was a whole lot worse. I was in a great deal more pain and discomfort, and felt much more sick. I also have a terrible taste in my mouth now because of the oxygen they pumped in me. Blech. Ah, well. Had to be done. Next stop, rheumatologist!

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go play Super Adventure Island. Higgins!!!



No! Noooo! Noooooooooooo!

They sure as hell better make a true-to-the-series sequel on the Rev and give the 360 and PS3 owners that action hero bull crap!





Oh, and by the way, is it just me, or is Chris the ooglay? Like, freak-show-you-don't-want-to-look-but-are-compelled-to ooglay?

"Resident Evil" 5 or "Generic Action Shooter" 5?

Wow. Talk about a sucktastic looking game.

I was a little worried when I learned that Mikami switched over to Clover Studios (in disgust at Capcom, as I recall) that the next Resident Evil was going to be less than stellar. Then I heard that a guy that worked on RE1 and RE2 was going to be overlooking RE5. I was happy. RE2 is my favorite in the series. And then I read the article on the front page.

It's going to be sunny? It's going to be like freaking Black Hawk Down? WTF 2: the Return of Holy Hell! I know they took a major leap from from the series had established with RE4, but I let it slide. They were overhauling their gameplay and with that comes some sacrifice to ambiance and story. My God, though! They really are ditching their survival horror roots with this next installment, I can just feel it!

The fans of RE are fans of the story, of the characters, of the style and humanity. This is all lost if future games take on action as witnessed with RE4. Leon... they destroyed him; I felt nothing for that twinkie Ashley; Krauser was not the caliber of enemy seen in previous intstallments; Sadler I completely forgot about; and they even brought Ada down a notch for me, and she has to be my least favorite RE character. The story was laughable and surprisingly weak. President's daughter kidnapped? Terrible. Terrible terrible terrible terrrrrrrible! The chills were also gone (save for the prison compound), again due to the radical new gameplay, but I saw that the team tried their hardest to remedy this. You know, the reason I thought it was lacking in the creepy, is because so much of it was either caught up in well-lit sunny areas or in over the top action movie bull. They butchered my Leon!!!

I just hope that my fears are unfounded. I really really hope that this game isn't in the desert, because that can take so much away from the human yet terrifying feel that RE2 had. Not as many people could identify with Spain (and a medieval Spain, at that) but even less are going to be able to identify with a most likely fictional Arabian (from the screenshots) setting. A podunk town in the U.S. that was overrun with zombies and skinned dogs was more believable! I suppose I don't really care what region it's located in, as long as it is heavily populated and MODERN!

Bah. If they do stray so far, I hope Capcom at least has the decency to drop the Resident Evil/Biohazard title in favor of something more 'actiony' and 'mainstream', as they are obviously going for sales more than love of the game and story. Keep giving the fans Resident Evil! Give everyone else that action movie machismo crap!


Are you happy, Capcom? You made a girl cry! Congratulations!

Nex-gen in second...

I don't know which console I should get to back up my Rev. Yeah, I know it's crazy to have the Rev as my primary system, but honestly I've always played Nintendo consoles more than their peers. SNES I played more than Genesis (the controls were too stubborn in some games and most software just didn't really appeal to me), N64 more than PS1 (well, it was kind of equal at the time, but now I play n64 games more than PS1), and GC more than PS2 (though I'll be a future DC owner so we'll see if anything changes!), so why wouldn't I make Rev my primary? I am that gamer that Nintendo always targets. I'm that gamer that everyone always rags on for not want the 'current' features and games on other consoles. FPSs and drivers? Nope. Games that degrade themselves by focusing on shock factor and the hip mainstream? Nopers. Online? Definitely no. Nintendo's consoles give me almost everything I could want as a gamer, and that's why they've always been my primary.

So, what shall my secondary be? I don't have the cash for all three, so there can only be two. I'll also have my PC, though will not be playing the type of games that many people mock the Xbox over. That is, I look to my computer for strategy and sim and to my consoles for everything else.

I'll really have to wait and seen what games are going to be coming out for each, but right now, I'm thinking 360. The sad thing is, I don't really know why. I think a lot of it has to do with Sony's arrogance. That's terrible to say as someone who should be playing for the games and not the company, but I simply can't support a company that I don't at least somewhat respect, and I despise Sony. I'm not too fond of Microsoft, either, but at least their not trying to take the focus off of gaming at such an advanced pace.

I'm a console purist. I believe when you start mucking up a system with extra non-gaming related bells and whistles a portion of the focus will invariably be taken off from gaming. Quality slips as a result. This is happening for me next gen. PS3 at this point looks like trash to me. And forcing blu-ray down our throats when I'm still steaming over the insanely fast switch over to DVD is not helping. We didn't have a lot of money when that happened and a lot of our choices in movies were waning. It was not pleasant feeling forced to purchase something we did not want and did not have the money for, and I will never forget it.

Microsoft is forcing synergy, too, but doing it in a slightly friendlier (if not horridly casual) manner. Their focus is still for the most part on gaming. The 360, unlike the PS3, is molding its bells and whistles around that aspect. I still don't realise any importance to those features, but at least they are gaming minded and not media minded.

Another thing that worries me is that all next generation consoles will be feeling horrible game droughts over most of their existence. With the increased labor and funding it will take to make a game in the future, we'll likely only be seeing a few games coming out for each system a month. That's why I'm going to look at the 360 as a tester of sorts. I will not purchase until I have seen that a steady flow of original, console oriented (meaning no PC ports) games are reaching it. If not, and content that appeals to me doesn't pick up, I won't be buying it.

I hope I won't buy a PS3 if that does happen, for previously detailed reasons. I think I might waver a bit if I see games of good quality of series that I love travel exclusively to the upgraded PS2. It would sting if a Mana game out exclusively or a RE game, especially if the games were fantastic. Though, I think Capcom has grown increasingly greedy and will be releasing almost no exclusive games next gen. Their business with Nintendo this gen really disappointed me and they will forever be lowered in my opinion.

So Xbox or PS3? It depends on the companies and how they behave in the future. It depends on if the gaming features are taken as essential. But most of all, it depends on the games. Unfortunately, I think there will be less quality and quantity next gen and might begin the downfall of the market.

Meh. I'm just being pessimistic. It will be a great generation regardless of which console I own! I mean, it has to be better than this one, yeah? It has to be...

What an idiot.

I seriously hope that moronic kid's dad doesn't get sacked by Microsoft. What would compel ANYONE to make such a stupid move? This kid obviously has some issues with self-esteem. I mean, what else could it be? Unless his step- father is a complete dick and the kid's trying to get back at him. That I would understand and accept.

You know what? I think that's probably it, assuming of course that this isn't Microsoft's doing. What step parent isn't evil, after all? Not a single one in my family, that's for sure!

S'pose I may as well talk about it too...

Honestly, I was quite glad when this whole controversy started up. I think GTA is absolute trash and perhaps poor sales due to an AO rating would cause other developers to stop following suit with their cookie cutter "gangsta" poor-man's shoot-em-ups. This is not to say I've always hated GTA; I absolutely loved the first two, a love that caused me to be GTA3 as my first game this gen over HM: Save the Homeland. I was so excited when I got it home and had a blast with it... for a little while. The novelty wore off pretty quick. And to let out anger, just go blast some plagas in RE4 with much more enjoyment experienced. I was ecstactic that Rockstar, if faced with this ban, might actually have to develop REAL games, not just products centered around sex, drugs, murder, and the controversy that comes with these (if not properly implemented) 'fad' game elements.

But now...

My God! What is wrong with the Clintons? I never thought they would stoop this low. I don't care if they're right or wrong. Hopping onto the political bandwagon is absolute moral filth in my eyes.

But this asks the question: are they right or are they wrong? Really, I don't see anything wrong with making it criminal to sell certain games with questionable content to minors. Doesn't affect me. Doesn't affect the people that actually play the game not for image but for appreciation and mature (hopefully to an extent) enjoyment. It probably won't affect the kiddies, either. They can just have their parents buy the game for them, though I would hope the parents would at least take some interest and discuss the game with their child, feign it for even five minutes like my mother did with me. It made quite a difference, but, that's an after school special for another day.

What is the hooplah? Has the movie industry been affected by R ratings? No... for the most part. Will it be so terrible for developers to dumb down mature content ever so slightly? In games like GTA, it would hurt, but that's because this content is what the game thrives on. For the others? Meh. If it has no serious artistic bearing, I can do without. This brings up something that does infuriate me to a degree: if a publisher forces a developer on a highly artistic, stylized, or morally and socially significant project (take Killer 7 for example) and forces the developers to gut and rip at the game for it to slide into retail under M. This would not be an infringement on the first amendment, though.

This is another matter upsetting me over this big-to-do: free speech. Gamers are crying it from the mountain and it is really beginning to wear on my nerves. No, prohibiting sale to minors of certain content is not a violation of free speech. Censoring and editing that content and then forcing everyone to play the game as is, that is a violation. This is where it gets sticky. If a publishers wants money from a game (and why else do most publishers exist) they will fear an M or AO game would mean poor sales due mainly to Wal-mart and other slippery retailers. Therefore, they will only publish games that fall on T or under. This will lead many developers to alter their game, perhaps even censoring it? No. No, no, no. The developers voluntarily change the product. "They were forced to," you say. Again, no. They could find an alternate publisher or publish it themselves. Publishing it themselves would be incredibly difficult and costly, but it could be done. Finding another publisher these days would likely be as difficult, and even if a publisher was found, it would most likely be small and lacking media and advertising presence like the big guys. But it could still be done. Is is right to pressure artists into changing their works like this? No. Not in the absolute least. But it is not a violation of the first amendment. If the publisher said "We won't publish your game ever because of the content" or simply changed to code after the developers finished with it, but before it went to retail, for the sole purpose of censoring certain content, that is a violation. What would happen if this controversy doesn't die down would just be a massively cruel and unfortunate chain effect. So stop crying wolf, people! I don't want to hear this mumbo jumbo about free speech in this context ever again!

Hmm. What else is there to say? I'll only briefly explain my stance on the content seen on massively mainstream and popular entertainment today and end this little tyrade because it's dinner time and I'm hungry, so there. I think games like this, media, like this is harmful to a small portion of the gaming populace. These are the children and adults that have difficulty discerning reality and learning from entertainment. These people I speak about are not as 'normal' as you and I, but have serious imbalances that should be treated. They are grounded enough to take reality and distinguish it from fiction, if they are not constantly bombarded with said fiction. If they lose that ability, most often catastrophic events will occur, usually on a personal level. And no I'm not talking about Columbine and the media's ironic scapegoats. Oh, and if you don't know why it's ironic for the media to skewer violent and utterly sexed-up movies, games, and music, I suggest you go watch FOX News for 15 minutes. These few will display the apparent, physical, and glaringly intense influence the media had on them.

Sigh... I don't really know where I'm going with all this. I have this immense frustration built up inside of me, but I just can't describe it. I suppose it's because these morals that kids are fed are not the morals I grew up with. I had Aesop. I had (still good) Disney. I had Nintendo in its prime. I also had pretty much every other source of input from the world. I learned in instances that they peers did not.

I carved my surprisingly realistic view of the world and the life it houses from watching television; I picked apart things that had subtle importance or truth and saved them, later to be compounded and built up and up into an accepted and accurate view or a view that is absolutely honest in my eyes and grossly obvious yet so often overlooked or brushed off.

I learned from books, though vastly more difficult to ascertain how life in the world functions and feels, I learned to strengthen my logic and how to connect one thought to another to another infinitely, always coming up with a conclusion or answer.

I learned from games how I want myself to be; how I would like to be seen. I learned wisdom is a fantastic thing to aspire to and that patience truly is a virtue, much to my temperamental chagrin. By the way, I have successfully combated my temper due to this glorious image of self and turn-based patience. I rarely throw controllers on the ground these days.

I also learned from life itself; I watched people, I looked past them into their truths, I listened to my mother and tried desperately to follow her good example, and I watched the world function. I saw its pains and joys and determined my moral and conscious compass appropriately.

I combined all of these sources to form who I am today, a horribly flawed and imperfect being that is trying to make herself better. I do not crave perfection, but only the ability to make all those around me happy. This is what I learned from my childhood: to be good and kind is better to be selfish and mean-spirited. I do not want to be saintly nor inadvertently cause hatred; I just want to help others sometimes at my own sacrifice, sometimes not.

My worry is that children will not have that ability today, due as much to a greed infested entertainment industry as to poor parenting. I have learned through my friends that everyone does not possess the knack for molding information for personal purposes that I do, but I do not know if this is a good or bad thing. This would suggest that either the information would bounce off or be taken wholly as truth, not partially as is most often the best case. These children maturing into adults would hopefully shed these truths as more life was experienced, but if not, in this instance entertainment's influence would be seen subltely. I hope the information bounces off these children, if they cannot adapt it. But what if the children accept it as truth? Would I rather they be playing GTA or an FF game? That id my major twisty-turny beef.

I cannot believe I arrived at his conclusion after an initial entry to preach about the Clintons and whiny gamers. Ah well. I'm not rewriting it, that's for sure! So what you read is what you get. I'm gonna go eat some spaghetti.


Hmm... I might actually get a PSP if this game turns out to be good. But, I don't know... If more games like this don't start coming out as well as some fantastic ORIGINAL RPGs, well, I just don't know. I'm not going to spend $200+ for one game, and the rest of the PSP library really doesn't interest me. I'll just have to see.

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