I said if Mass Effect didnt get at least a 9.5 I would write a thread about how the PS3 if the future of gaming and all other consoles are "teh sux0rs".
Here is the thread, get in on some of the laughs.... ;)
I said if Mass Effect didnt get at least a 9.5 I would write a thread about how the PS3 if the future of gaming and all other consoles are "teh sux0rs".
Here is the thread, get in on some of the laughs.... ;)
What the hell is with you fanboys when things dont go your way? Its amazing to watch the lemms that follow suit in the tirade...
It has begun.....
Mass Effect
The Orange Box
World In Conflict
Assasins Creed
Ace Combat 6
Kane & Lynch
All these games within 3 months of each other....
The first time in my gaming life I find myself spending more $$$ on games than I ever have.
And first time in my gaming life that Im complaining its just to many damn games in such a small amount of time... :shock:
Ok so about a week ago I get into a debate with a excelR83. He points out that I have rated Lair a 1.0 and inquirred into if I had played it. I had not played the game . So rightfully so, he let me have it which is very understandable and was to be expected. Well a few days ago, prior to me and a buddy of mine heading out to the bar, I stopped past my buddies house to give him a ride to the bar (his car is in the shop). I walk in the crib and looky looky. Lair is sitting on his end table, a game he rented. This is my boy thats the die hard PS3 fan. I ask him if I can try it out and he states "make SURE you do the tutorial." Fine.
I do the portion where you learn the movement of the Dragon. Flying through the several rings that are at different heights. Aside from this game reminding me of "Panzer Dragoon", the controls ******* suck! Had they ATLEAST given you the option to use the control sticks for movement Im pretty sure this game would have scored alot higher. To make matters worse, the damn controller locked up for like 3-4 seconds putting the dragon in a constant turn. The game is very nice looking however the frustrating use of the motion control makes me retch. So I no longer rate the game a 1.0. I rate it much higher. 1.5
:shock: :shock:
Your beloved Halo 3 will be out next week. Microsofts reliability is definately going to be put to the test. Why? Countless hours of Halo3 Multiplayer and Single Player campaign is going to see just how well built those 360's are. Mine included.That game is literally gonna fry some 360's. Keep em well ventilated boys, well ventilated.... :twisted:
Cows hyped this ****?! A game with dragons when you shoot them, they explode.... :|
Damage control starts here.
Was hyped AA and got a 4.5......
No more needs to be said....
And DualShockin just a few days ago you were dishing out the ownage to the sheep yet you have been (absent). :shock:
Remember the MP3 hype thread in SW? Well Dire_Toad was the first to linkify the GS review. His post is at the very bottom of this link.
What ensues is literally MADNESS!! The mods have been working overtime tonite. I have personally witnessed 8 account suicides in SW and 7 in the Wii forum. I know I give cows a hard time but sheep have lost all respect/credibility with me. I have never understood why fanboys for any console would stoop so low as to not buy a game based on a review?? Furthermore to log onto a website who's review you did not agree with and start the damage control dance and flaming the GS staff is pathetic.
Your not a leader, your a follower. I will always bash the PS3, but from now on, Im on a personal crusade against the Wii and yes I am going to get one. I cant bash the fanboys, but I can get to them through their console.... Furthermore, my responses to the fanboys start here.
At the time of this writing the thread is at 140 pages before a lock. Anybody knows that Dualshockin and I DO NOT GET ALONG. However his sig is definately appropriate despite the behavior sheep exhibited... ****NOTE TO ALL, THIS IS DUALSHOCKINS SIG, IM PUTTING IT IN MY BLOG AS I THINK ITS MOST APPROPRIATE AT THIS TIME*****
Absolutely one of the best 2d fighters of all time. Using the ol skool Street Fighter mechanics it works very well. I dont think there is anyone alive that can deal with my team of B.B. Hood, Iron Man and the Sentinel. Just had to give some love to a system I fourtunately still own and play and definately was aestheically pleasing.... :shock:
I feel this game is really underrated. Im now at a point where I can control 15 minions and those jokers are extremely destructive. Watching them just destroy everything in their path and bring gold and life essence back to you is absolutely hilarious. Gamespot gave it a 7.5 but I feel it was more deserving of an 8.0 Sorta like Crackdown, very underrated game, both of them.
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