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Magical_Zebra Blog

Halo 3 Ad

Watching the Carolina/Eagles game, looking forward to seeing the Halo 3 ad just to see if Halo 3 is gonna surpass Halo 2. Cant wait....

My Car

I have a 2000 Toyota Celica GTS  speed. It has 118,678 miles on it and still going strong. I bought it brand new in 04/00. Gonna be nice to see how long it realy lasts....  

My Xbox

Is still kicking strong. I still play Mercenaries, and Madden 06. Sometimes Red Dead Revolver and Forza. As a matter of fact, I need to do my civic duty and be more active on the Xbox forums, after all that clunky system started it all.  :)

My Avatar

Use to be I was the only member with this avatar, seems I need to change it as its to many "Zebra" wannabe's running around. Now that I think about it, Im quite flattered.

2007 For The 360

Man, man, man! Halo 3, Alan Wake, Mass Effect, Too Human, Bio Shock, Lost Planet and I bet 8 days.....
2007 looks very good to be owning a 360.  :)

My First Moderation...

Been registered since 02/03 and got my first moderation ever a few days ago for a thread I created on system wars. Said I loss some points or something. Im not complaining because as I was writing it, I KNEW I would get modded for it. Im not mad at the mods at all as they have a very tough job and they do an excellent job. What trips me out is the Sony fanboys. While I have no problems with "Sony Fans", "Fan Boys" are a different story. I hate them with a passion and love pointing out to them every chance I get just how much the system they waited for BLOWS. Yea, I have a PS3, ITS ON EBAY WAITING TO BE SOLD! Im loving the fact that those clowns are fan boys for "So Knee". Looks like Im going to have to put my creative writing skills to use to keep mods off my back. That and the fact I now know the fanboys are watching me........


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