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Magical_Zebra Blog

PSP Blues....

I have 2 laptops (1 for me, 1 for the fiance), a high end PC, a 360, several other old skool consoles and a PSP. For the life of me, I can not get this goddamn handheld to connect to my router.

How the hell am I suppose to play Killzone Liberation online if I cant connect to my own router? I have tried everything feasible, even connecting to an unsecure connection only to be told that the connection failed. Guess Ill try again later at some point in time.... :evil:

The Transformers Movie Debacle.....

Ok so me and my boy, my brother and my brothes boy meet up at Arundel Mills to see Transformers. Movie starts at 11:50pm and its only 7pm. We decide to go in the Dave and Busters and get drunk as hell. We commence operation "Intoxication" when we realize that the movie starts in 5 mins. Oops! :shock:

We scramble to theatre 14 and get ready to sit when we realize that all.....the.....seats..are taken. Only seats are available are in the first 2 rows!! My brother is drunk as a skunk, his boy is drunk as a skunk, Im feeling nice. We sit down and as god is my witness, I could not sit far enough back to see the whole screen. My brother and his boy never saw the movie because they fell asleep as soon as the previews came on. I have a damn crook in my neck 3 days later from looking straight up for 3 hours.... :angry:

GT5 Debacle

Cows in this thread and several others "drooled" over damage coming to GT5.

This thread debunked it and its atleast 700 replies of damage control...

How can a game "supposedly" be a "realistic driving simulator" and on the minimmum you dont at least include some sort of damage model? O wait...bu bu but Polyphony Digital wants it to be perfect.... :shock:

Damage Control As Usual

Well, the review for Forza was submitted last night and as predicted Cows were in an uproar. The review gave Forza a 9.2 which I always stated would be a AAA game but for some reason the cows cant and wont accept this. Whats new?  On my way to the store to pick it up now. At least they have Motorflop (hyped AAA by cows) and Flop1 Championship (also hyped AAA) :lol:

Forza 4 Life!

Looks like christmas finally comes early. About damn time!!! I have been waiting for this game for over a year. Well finally it will be here on tues of next week and Im calling in sick. Just from playing the demo I dont even want to deal with the ****** regular cars. I want to jump right in to the high peformance cars and the pure race cars. But as usual Ill have to work my way up to be the rider that I am. 

P.S. Im loving the Corvette C6 race car and Im hoping Ill be able to get behind the wheel of an Audi R8.  :twisted:

Are You A Blind Fanboy?

You are a blind fanboy if the following exist.

1. No matter what negatives are brought to your attention about your console, you will make an excuse to justify that negatives existence or non existence. *cough* (rumble).

2.Your system always has "the potential". Chewing gum has potential.

3. You fail to acknowledge to a simple fact that another rival console is or maybe selling more units than your console.

4. Fail to realize that your system

5. Always fall back on the previous console that actually did something and was more of a gaming machine than a movie player...  :shock:

6. Always start a reply with "bu bu but" or "ju ju just you wait..."

7. Believes every single thing the "company" tells you will come true, even after a previous poster has posted a "time line" of dissappointment and deceit from said company with links to prove such.

8. Have an exec head that says "Next Gen Starts When We Say So" and in acutuality, "Next Gen" started a year earlier with a previous system.  :shock:

9. Copy another consoles joystick tech to a degree, but do a piss poor job of implementing it and you as a fanboy of course defend it stating: "bu bu but it can do things other controllers cant."

10. You look at movies on your new console more than you play games or I because quite simply your tired of playing the same launch title over and over and you have to justify you purchase for this.....console. Might as well put it to use eh? Go go gadget movie player!!  :shock:

Gonna Be An Expensive 2007

Thank goodness I have a decent paying job as 2007 has 15 titiles for the 360 that are must have for me.

Too Human
Army of 2
Halo 3
Assassins Creed
Forza 2
Fatal Inertia
Mass Effect
Kane and Lynch
DIRT: Collin Mcrae

Ok my bad its 12. I have been drinking so give me a break.  ;)  I know its 3 more games for the 360 I want. In any event 12 games x 59.99 roughtly equates to $720. OMG the price of a PS3 and 1 game!!!  Damn I love having a next gen system with games!!  :lol:

Im Not A Fanboy

How can I be a lemming if I own a PS2, support the PS2 and still play the PS2? I HATE the PS3. Its the anti christ of the consoles. The PS3, I was actually going to purchase. Sony lies, lies, lies and lies.

When you blatantly lie about your launch (spring) knowing you wouldnt meet it, release the damn system almost 8 months later, when it is released its only a handfull of systems available for those who are willing to camp in front of a store for a week (not tha ol boy) and have the audacity to state "Next gen starts when we say so".

When you say something like that, you better back it up. I will buy a Game Cube before I purchase a PS3. Its no excuse why there are no games available. Oh wait bu bu but teh games are coming. Please.

Rumble, while not important to some on the absolute minnimum they should have included it with the option to maybe disable it? After being introduced to rumble on consoles, its no excuse why a next gen console doesnt have it at least as an option.

I would have, and could have purchased a PS3. If they 3 years from now introduce rumble and actually have some damn games I want to play, I will pick one up. And no I have never been a FF fan, MGS Im not in to the (splinter cell) stealth crap, DMC series never been interested in it so that leaves what? GT5? Hell yeah, Ill buy a PS3 JUST FOR GT5 if the controller has rumble.... Peace. :shock:

2007 Lineup

Seems to be shaping up quite nicely. I already have Lost Planet. Fun all around shooter. Human AI can be dumb at times but the Akrid, WHOA!

Battle Stations Midway is a definate MUST HAVE. I will have this game the day it is realeased.

Mass Effect and Alan Wake may be sleeper hits but I dont know, Alan Wake just seems a bit strange.

Cant forget Bioshock, another strange one.

Forza 2 and GT I cant wait to see how they check out this year. As a matter of fact, GT is the only game that looks interesting to me on the PS3.

Merry Christmas!

To all on GS and in general. Getting older and maturing has definately shown me that I am blessed and take lots of things for granted that some less fourtunate people would not. God bless those less fourtunate than I. 
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