I rarely notice screen tear and jaggies are annoying but Its harder to notice ( My TV is 5 feet away ) Framrate drops are common on pc aswell. BF3 has annoying mirostutter even for me and I no longer play it because of that. My old 6870 crossfire had tons of problems aswell.[QUOTE="Maneil99"]
Since artefacts like jaggies and screen tear are larger than individual pixels,they're noticeable even when watching from a distance.Firsh-hand experience...
Same applies to frame rate drops...
Something about your post strikes me the wrong way,smells alty ;)
Do you have SLI/CF?
Try disabling it,should fix microstutter...
Also,just because you have a problem,doesn't mean it applies to everyone else...
However,on consoles,every console user experiences the same visuals and same potential issues due to standardized hardware...
Alot of people had problemshttp://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2232730&page=4thats just one game. There are games that have negative Crossfire scaling aswell. PC has just WAY more issues and thats a fact. Devs cant patch everything for PC due to different hardware combinations. Consoles have that as one of the few benifts of being a closed system
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