It's now on handhelds mostly.
MangaPicture's forum posts
A first-person shooter from Nintendo
Really??? I can't believe people are still wishing for MORE FPS games. Don't we have way too many as it is?
I think a FPS in the style of Half Life or Portal from the minds at Nintendo would rock. Metroid Prime was a fantastic example of FPS from Nintendo.The only thing that came close to being a FPS was the intro of Prime 3. And that wasn't very good.
Nintendo making a fullblown FPS would be one of the bigger wastes of talent in this industry, lol.
I was very disappointed with Last Story, for reasons that I really didn't see coming. I was still looking forward to it after Xenoblade, knowing that it would be different.
It might be somehow fixed in the US version, but Last Story is a mess in technical aspects. Constant framerate drops and slowdowns, I've never seen that on the Wii before. Some annoying mechanics, in particular something like a lite version of the scan sections in Other M, that are just obnoxious and ridiculously overused and several bosses need really annoying mechanics to be beaten. Could have used some puzzles or anything for variety, but that can also be said about Xeno though.
Also quite surprising: There's hardly any songs in there. Literally not a single dungeon theme, over half of the game is goddamn silent. What a letdown after Xenoblade, which obviously has a magnificent soundtrack. There's some really nice architecture and such, but without some musical score providing it, lots of atmosphere is just lost.
Best thing about Last Story is that it has one of the best hub worlds I've seen (including sidequests) and I love well made hubworlds.
Story isn't too hot in both games, but Xeno at least has a cool twist at the very end.
About how long does it take to beat the main story?
Depending on your playstyle: 50-100 hours
Game's a lot of fun so far, although it's not really a looker. DJ_Lae
It will be. Some of dem environments later on... You will say wow.
Okay, ED2 is redundant because... we already have so many adventure games that spawn their settings over different history periods in a single game with huge amount of detail?
And people said this wouldn't do well outside of Japan. But I never realized how poorly it sold in Japan. Of course, obligatory lolvgchartz. meetroid8
150k is good in Japan. It did less LTD than lolchartz says though.
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