Don't buy AC4. FROM has shown horrible support for Chromehounds and the one patch that they released (which took them forever) runined the game (people had problems with cheaters and no disconnect penalties, they ignored those problems and decided to change gameplay - which made the game horribly unbalanced). They are worse than EA.
Why do you sheep constantly obsess over the same 3 or 4 games? Have you nothing else to look forward to? Ummm have you missed all the posts with other games named: Super Paper Mario, DK Bongo Blast, Mario Party 8, Battallion Wars 2, Mario Strikers Charged, SSX Blur, Tiger Woods 07, No More Heroes, Project HAMMER Paper mario is the worst excuse for an RPG i have EVER seen. DK bongo blast? what are you six? Battalion wars :lol: a childish version of a war game. Tiger Woods is a multiplat. Which leaves you Project Hammer and No More Heroes, which ive never heard of. I think i whould waste 250 right now Ah, Exactly why i didnt list games.. people just shoot them down and laugh.
That is what happens when you give people a bad list. If you have a good list then you have nothing to worry about.
360 does offer free online play. If you make a new account it comes with 30 days of Gold member access (which includes online play). So if you can't afford $4 /month you can just make a new account every month.
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