Agree 100%. Nintendo is the only company who was not scared to tell the rules of his console to the developers thats why Nintendo is alone. Sony with his PS4 do that but only in part accepting rules of the publishers. And Xbox One all too the Publishers zero control to gamers. I Hate Microsoft right now. And i been a fan of XBox 360 and a Sony hater. Now is a time of change im going to support WiiU and PS4.
No its not. the news only said that Microsoft is the one who do this right now for the Xbox One. If you read the news. They dont know if sony do this For the Ps4. They only know Sony do this for the ps3 and its in the past.Thats Why Microsoft is in the title of this News.
Thats why we as gamers have to keep telling the world how bad is this model. The gaming industry is in danger and we cant let that happen. We have to keep putting pressure on companies that want to implement anticonsumer policies.
@ImWebOn @soellnerjr Thats not owning the game at all. You cant play your game freely, dont you understand. When the servers are gone your game dissapear.
@Ahiru-San Phones are not the same as game consoles. AAA Single player games dont need to be online to use them. And thats the problem.. Some Microsoft Executives think is the same a 6 dollar app game, than a great big budget game. I pay for the app and i dont care if they take it from me. But not For a great AAA game that i want to have it in my collection and knowing i can use it again without asking permission to microsoft to use it.
@Foppe Microsoft is using the cloud to tell people why you need to connect online. Thtas a lie, you can download all of those AI crowds or whatever they called it to your hard drive and can compete offline. You dont need to be connected all the time.
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