@xnshd: Funny thing is that players get around chat filters, and when you have enough players doing so it becomes hard to effectively police them. On top of that there comes a point when things have been taken too far.
I'll freely admit to not playing League of Legends due to being more of a PvE type (despite playing Eve Online and MWO >_> ), but I have this hunch that whatever is going on in Riot's global chat is, on an overall basis, quite a bit worse than the simple "smack talk" that people of the MechWarrior 2 generation dealt with.
Y'know, that sounds a bit like sexual harassment, especially at a time when society is rightfully questioning what it means to be "a man" in light of how such ideals impact, often negatively, mens' health.
"Yeah, the best way to deal with this issue is to behave in a fashion that more and more research is determining will actually lower your overall life expectancy." -_-
Also, isn't making someone who is engaging in mental masturbation and verbal diarrhea (or the online equivalent thereof) shut their mouth "manning up?" I mean staring down, or hitting, someone doing that sort of thing in "real life" is "manning up," right? Seems a bit contradictory to say that "manning up" is a solution to a problem that gets fixed by shutting someone up when shutting them up is also "manning up."
@phattsao: Yes, because it's so much better in the hands of a generation dedicated to shooting their mouth off with no ability to conceive of their being consequences and whom also thinks that their feet taste awesome. >_>
Huh. I could have sworn that they got rid of inter-team chat years ago due to "community toxicity." As such I read this as even intra-team chat getting super-toxic to the point where they disabled all chat, not "All Chat."
I found myself thinking that it would be an improvement since it'd cut down on how much I read about how toxic the League of Legends community is. >_>
In response to the suit, Disney's legal team said Johansson's case has "no merit," going on to say the lawsuit is "especially sad and distressing in its callous disregard for the horrific and prolonged global effects of the COVID-19 pandemic."
Oof, that's rich. "This lawsuit has no merit and is especially heinous due to these circumstances which not only don't negatively impact the merits of this case in any meaningful way but may have actually contributed to loss of revenue for the person suing us while simultaneously resulting in a significant increase in our, the sued, revenue. Oh woe is the humanity; think of the corporations!"
It's almost as if Disney is just as bad as Activision, Blizzard, Gearbox, Ubisoft, the folks over at RockStar's "parent" company, and other media corporations that are actively hostile to both their consumers and their employees, companies where when it's said they'll screw you over it's sometimes meant literally.
Here's looking at you, Ubisoft! Hope your new hire packets contain condoms.
@sbargovox3: So then how is it now, only when Twitch's problems with "hate raids" have hit some of the more mainstream distributors of news on these subjects, that Twitch publicly and vociferously has "people who support the oppressed, abused, or othered without it directly benefitting them?"
From what little I've seen Twitch's responses to date have apparently been more along the lines of Apathy's demotivational poster, "If we don't respond maybe they'll stop calling" than they have been along the lines of a reasonable, responsible, ethical, and moral response to the situation.
I could easily be mistaken, but in the current world environment it is not only much harder to naturally believe that companies have our best interests at heart, it's also significantly harder to prove that they actually do have our best interests at heart than it is to prove that they're ambivalent at best and maliciously predatory at worst.
I'm going to want some context for, "a feat that went practically unnoticed by everyone." I mean were we talking about the board of investors who are likely all old with failing eyesight or the taste-testing panel for the group of blind gamers?
You know, I bet it was the "Let's React" crowd of patients in the local hospital's coma care ward that didn't notice it.
Marikhen's comments