And this is why hard-coded buttons like this should be a no-no for any competent peripheral designer.
I've got buttons for Netflix, hulu, VUDU, and sling on my remote, and I never use any of them. I use Netflix but none of the other three, and I'm so used to accidentally bumping one taking me out of YouTube or CrunchyRoll that I've trained myself to not touch anywhere near them so that instead of just being 75% useless they're 100% useless.
Now if I had the option to set the three I don't use to CrunchyRoll, YouTube, and Prime it might be a different matter since those are all services I actually use.
@kill_kayt: First and foremost let me state that I am quite well aware that the "whitewashing" of her character's role is why Scarlett Johansson was berated by media outlets and much of the public. However...
The article on this site clearly stated, "Actors like Halle Berry and Jared Leto have come under fire for playing (or considering playing) transgender characters, as did Scarlett Johansson's infamous portrayal of Japanese character Motoko Kusanagi in the Ghost in the Shell film."
"As did" clearly implies that "Scarlett Johansson's infamous portrayal of Japanese character Motoko Kusanagi in the Ghost in the Shell Film" "came under fire for playing (or considering playing) transgender characters."
The author of this particular author isn't discussing Motoko's whitewashing. He is clearly referring to the fact that Motoko Kusanagi is transgendered and Scarlett Johansson is not.
And that concludes my overly complicated joke for the day. People really need to be careful about switching subjects in the middle of sentences lest they come off attributing the wrong things to the wrong people/situations.
Personally, I have no problem with disabled actors playing the roles of disabled characters, providing that their disability doesn't impede their ability to perform said role.
Now in this case the people upset over the matter are urging for a deaf actor to play the role of a character that must, at times, speak, correct? How many deaf actors can speak in such a fashion as for the average viewer to not know that they have a speech impediment? And let's be clear here, not being able to properly hear your own voice is an impediment to "normal" speech.
To them my question is simple. Would you hire a paraplegic to play the role of Christopher Reeve in a biographical film of his life? The same actor must play the role in its entirety as having a different actor play the role only after Reeve was paralyzed in the plot would be disruptive.
"The company attributed the game's slow sales in part to marketing delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic."
Heh. "In part." More like "In (a small) part." More and better marketing would actually have probably made things worse by showing a wider audience more footage of a game with a limited scope of enemies and featuring (in terms of visual impact) B-roll/stunt double heroes rather than first string heroes from either the comic books or the MCU movies and cartoons.
On the one hand new footage from the actual phone version of Diablo Immortal is one thing, but PC gamers have been able to play the beta for it since 2012.
Yeah... I'm in the "IDGAF" category when it comes to the skin color of people I know online. I'm sure that's just the European American privilege talking, but that doesn't change my point of view there.
I also find the inherent elitism in only checking on "gamer friends" to be disturbing. Shouldn't you be checking on all of your black friends regardless of whether or not they're gamers?
Then again who am I to ask? I don't have any black friends. I'm on good terms with many of the black men that I work with, and I even know that some of them are gamers, but we're not friends. Of course I don't have any white friends either, or brown, or yellow either. I'm on good, even friendly, terms with many people regardless of race, but I don't let any of them close enough to be friends.
Still, I did ask a co-worker how he was doing when I learned that the roof of a (wooden) shipping container popped loose and hit him on the head shortly before he had to leave a job due to, well, yawning in technicolor. That's of more concern to me than whatever the scandal of the day is. The roof didn't help him any, but he was already feeling sick due to some medication he's on.
The fact that he was injured by something I was at least nominally in charge of overseeing the construction of weighed far more heavily on me than his skin color or what's going on in another city. I'm not going to ask questions of people about things I don't care about; that's just arrogant insincerity at its worst.
At least Bethesda didn't engage in actions that look suspiciously like they tanked an independent developer in order to take a popular IP in-house as well as poach said developer's staff.+-
As far as scandalous behavior goes Bethesda is still on the short bus compared to Rockstar/Take 2, and I've got this nagging feeling that Gearbox/2k and Focus Home Interactive are ahead of Bethesda on the "big jerk" line as well.
On the one hand seeing Sacred and Risen under THQ might be a good thing for the franchise, but on the other hand losing the Red Faction IP seems like a losing proposition for THQ and fans.
On the one hand this interests me. On the other hand I missed the part where a video game tie-in is mentioned so I'm not sure why this is relevant to *Game*Spot.
On the gripping hand this site's been selling non-gaming article space for years now so this isn't surprising.
Marikhen's comments