[QUOTE="MarineJcksn"]http://digg.com/2008_us_elections/Obama_on_oil_drilling_Not_a_long_term_solution Based on his comments to "Not lift the moratorium on coastal drilling" and "That drilling for more oil will not affect gas prices in any way", it really seems like Obama might've blown his shot at becoming the next president. Currently, he's about 15 points ahead in the National Polls but I feel that number will dwindle and die by November. Think about it; the Massive crowds he currently draws, large groups of college age individuals and students, will they REALLY go vote in November? Some will, and I feel it'll be a larger number of young voters then anytime in recent memory. But realistically, if you look at the historical evidence on who REALLY comes out to vote, the numbers generally increase in accordance with the age of the person voting. Sounds crazy, but look it up. And I think we all know that an older crowd will draw a much more diverse lineup of voters, who place a lot of importance on the STAGGERING current price of energy. Make no mistake, I'm not saying that drilling more Oil is the only thing we need. We need to research and develop multiple sources of energy, such as Coal, Nuclear, Wind, Solar, Hydrogen, Ethanol (FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, GET RID OF CORN BASED ETHANOL ALREADY) , hydroelectric, etc. etc. etc. But to merely say we wont drill, when the REST of the world is drilling is not only incredibly stupid, it's a policy that will guarantee failure. Barry really isn't a very bright guy. Face facts, you know it's true. What do you think?mrbojangles25
Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems like you think he doomed himself by saying he thinks we should not be drilling for oil.
THen you go on to list a bunch of alternatives.
Personally, I think alternatives should be our main focus. The rest of the world is going to look to the US for a solution, and quite honestly I think it is our duty to pave the way for alternate fuels while those that truly need the last bit of gas get it.
Let China get the rest of the gas. When it runs out, our tech will be 20+ years ahead of them. It will be like the Cold War all over again, with the US in the lead and the Chinese decades behind us in tech.
No, I dont think Obama messed up. I just think a lot of people are going to misinterpret or twist his words around. I find his comments almost prophetic in a way.
That highlighted last line scares the CRAP outta me Bo. Obama isn't the messiah, he's another empty product of washington. Look past the fluffy speaches and it just jumps out how dirty this guy is. Unless you're into socialism, then he's your messiah and he'll lead you to the land of Government mandated Milk and Honey.;)
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