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#1 MarineJcksn
Member since 2007 • 1675 Posts

[QUOTE="ferron321"]Youve come to the right place....An off-topic section on a website about video games.lolwaffles

oh ****!!!

this is a forum for games!

damn i thought this was a social dating site with shrinks and pigs flying around...

Wait, it isn't?:o

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#2 MarineJcksn
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Ewoks. What in the hell was Lucas thinking? How could anyone possibly think that it'd be a good idea to crossbreed a Care Bear with George of the Jungle? Why did no one slap him during pre-production?Oleg_Huzwog

Dear God YES oleg! I hated those dumb things. Could be the reason I love the South Park episode "Free Hat" where they bash Lucas for all his re-touches and Steve for "changing" E.T. The idea of a RE-RE-RELEASE of Empire with the entire cast digitally replaced by Ewoks made me lol. Then I cried cuz I realised Lucas is just dumb enough to try it.:P

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#3 MarineJcksn
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Ewoks FTW. They're my least favorite part of Jedi. Don't even get me started on the stupid Ewok movies either:roll:
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#4 MarineJcksn
Member since 2007 • 1675 Posts

Take a look at this data Jackson:

The price improvement from drilling ANWR would be negligible. Do you have any data that would indicate otherwise in the case offshore drilling? It seems like a very tenuous and ineffective solution. I'm not saying an easy solution exists. On the contrary, one doesn't exist, which is why it seems futile to pursue these.


I take a lot of stock in not only what information we receive, but it's source. In which case, I don't know I necessarily believe that blog at all. To me, it stinks of propaganda. Where you and I agree, and the reason I like you BMan, is that you and I are both willing to admit an "Easy" solution doesn't exist currently. I enjoy talking to someone who while may have a different opinion then myself is willing to say what they mean, be who they are and try to look at the big picture of it all.

It's one of the strongest reasons I contend that those on the extreme right wing and extreme left are essentially one in the same.

On the subject of ANWR however, I feel that while the immediate cost of gas may not receive direct and swift reduction my arguement is that freeing ourselves from the slave state of our dependence of foreign energy is incredibly important, and that drilling is one part of the multi-part ultimate solution.

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#5 MarineJcksn
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Us Floridians, the ones who would be most affected by the drilling, don't want the drilling to happen. If Obama can win Florida's vote, he's pretty much got the election won. As others have said, it would only be a temporary solution, and wouldn't solve our problems. Plus, it could kill Florida's beaches, and without those, we lose tourists, our #1 source of money.


But do you know the areas they want to drill offshore are in some places more then 50 miles away? From the beach, nobody would even know they were there. Now, I know you'll point out disasters like the ExxonValdez spill. Well think about this: offshore oil rigs braved and survived Katrina with no measurable oil spills or serious damage to their platforms. Also, research how much oil naturally seeps from the ocean floor on a daily basis which occurs in nature. These levels of oil are consistantly higher then any spillage from offshore oil rigs.

Please don't be fooled by the lies of the media on this, I beg you.

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#6 MarineJcksn
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[QUOTE="The_Mac_Daddy"]Why do people keep thinking the oil companies set the prices? They have nothing to do with it.comp_atkins

They don't set the price of crude oil, but they most certainly set the price of their processed products.

and profit maybe 10% on that price? which is pretty low compared to companies like goog or microsoft whose profits are in the 20-30% range.. yet no one is screaming for a windfall profit tax on google....

THANK YOU COMP! Finally, another voice of pointing out the Hypocrisy of Windfall Profits Taxation....funny how "environmentalists" like Gore love bashing the oil industry, but then NEVER mention the 80% profit range on the Hedge Funds they own. Me thinks I smell a rat.

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#7 MarineJcksn
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Ultimately, No. They'll be the leading companies of "alternative" energy IMO. Companies like ExxonMobile have WAYYYYY too much invested in the future of their business not to have contingency plans for skyrocketing fuel prices.

Conversely, does anyone truly believe our high cost of fuel is truly just "The Oil Companies Fault!!!"? I think the way people answer this question will say a lot about what they do or do not understand about economics and our current abysmal politicians in Washington.

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#8 MarineJcksn
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I also like to say that it seems like McCain and the republican party as of late seems to based heavily in fear mongering, patriotic propaganda, and other sorts of unrational points.. That being said I hope the country gets better, because as it stands there is much we can improve, starting with thigns like public schools.


I wont disagree that the republican party has fundamentally lost it's way, IMO. That's why I'm not republican, because IMO they've lost their spine. It's also why I'm not democrat, because the modern democratic party has lost it's mind. Make no mistake, the modern democratic party is not the party of Truman or JFK. They've fully embraced the most hardcore liberal ideals, to include the embrace of socialism, as which is the case with Maxine Waters, Bernie Sanders and one could argue, Barack Obama.

That being said, I highlighted the portion you wrote on schools as an example of how Barack Obama doesn't care the way you may have been led to think he does. Research his position against school vouchers for low income families in some cases. Research Thurgood Marshall Academy and the incredible results they get. Now research how Obama has openly been against choice for families on where to send their children for a better education.

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#9 MarineJcksn
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Well, if the election is rigged with e-voting machines in a few areas like the last one probably was, it really won't matter how people vote.

At any rate, the last 2 presidential elections have had some sort of controversy surrounding their results, so I won't be highly surprised if the next one does as well. It will make an interesting diversion I suppose at any rate.

Typical neocon thinking though: Short term quick fix solution and the hell with the largely irreversible side effects.


1st, please do not incorrectly label me as a NeoCon. I'm an independent Conservative with deep roots in Libertarianism, nothing like so called "NeoCons" who I feel incorrectly skew what traditional conservative values are all about. It'd be like me labeling you with the term "Liberal Fascist". I know nothing about who you really are and as such will not label you.

2nd, please do not engage in the fallacy of fools which is the 2000 election results in Florida. Despite what Kevin Spacey and his "Recount" movie tried to lie about, Gore DID NOT WIN THE 2000 ELECTION. Every independent recount that continued to be held long after crybaby Al moaned and cried about his loss did nothing but show that Bush won consecutively and largely by bigger and bigger margins on the susequent recounts of votes.

3rd, I never once advocated a "Quick Fix" by simply drilling. My arguement is that we need to utilize every possible source of energy to rid ourselves of foreign dependence NOW, and that starts by opening up drilling in ANWR, offshore and in the northwestern states followed closely by massively improving refining capability, building nuclear plants, solar, wind, wave....every possible source as cleanly as possible to end our dependence.

We currently spend a little over 3/4 of one Trillion dollars a year on foreign oil, largely supplying the economies of nations who want our ultimate destruction. What Barack Obama fails to understand is that his way of thinking (as with much of the extreme left. Not the average left wing, but the extreme leftists, which Obama is) is fundamentally flawed in not only it's ideals but it's principles. Do you obviously think that even "Alternative Energy" wont have it's share of environmentalists who wholeheartedly oppose it? There are already animal rights groups using bogus studies to bash wind power because "the windmills will kill birds". Have you seen the speed that of which the modern windmills in wind farms spin? It's incredibly slow! One could argue the only birds who would die from windmills are the "weakest of the species". Leftists love to advocate Darwinism when it fits their purpose, but cleverly forget to implicate it in situations such as this.

Finally, please make no mistake about my opinions of Barry Obama. Do I think he's a "secret muslim" or some other far right conservative cliche? No, I do not. I know that ultimately, he understands how capitalism works and will be a typical politician who says one thing yet does another. He's not going to radically change the world, no matter how much his followers believe. If president, he'll be mediocre at best. Ditto with McCain.

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#10 MarineJcksn
Member since 2007 • 1675 Posts

god no is this for real? His comedy was so damn good. RIP george.