Well, if the election is rigged with e-voting machines in a few areas like the last one probably was, it really won't matter how people vote.
At any rate, the last 2 presidential elections have had some sort of controversy surrounding their results, so I won't be highly surprised if the next one does as well. It will make an interesting diversion I suppose at any rate.
Typical neocon thinking though: Short term quick fix solution and the hell with the largely irreversible side effects.
1st, please do not incorrectly label me as a NeoCon. I'm an independent Conservative with deep roots in Libertarianism, nothing like so called "NeoCons" who I feel incorrectly skew what traditional conservative values are all about. It'd be like me labeling you with the term "Liberal Fascist". I know nothing about who you really are and as such will not label you.
2nd, please do not engage in the fallacy of fools which is the 2000 election results in Florida. Despite what Kevin Spacey and his "Recount" movie tried to lie about, Gore DID NOT WIN THE 2000 ELECTION. Every independent recount that continued to be held long after crybaby Al moaned and cried about his loss did nothing but show that Bush won consecutively and largely by bigger and bigger margins on the susequent recounts of votes.
3rd, I never once advocated a "Quick Fix" by simply drilling. My arguement is that we need to utilize every possible source of energy to rid ourselves of foreign dependence NOW, and that starts by opening up drilling in ANWR, offshore and in the northwestern states followed closely by massively improving refining capability, building nuclear plants, solar, wind, wave....every possible source as cleanly as possible to end our dependence.
We currently spend a little over 3/4 of one Trillion dollars a year on foreign oil, largely supplying the economies of nations who want our ultimate destruction. What Barack Obama fails to understand is that his way of thinking (as with much of the extreme left. Not the average left wing, but the extreme leftists, which Obama is) is fundamentally flawed in not only it's ideals but it's principles. Do you obviously think that even "Alternative Energy" wont have it's share of environmentalists who wholeheartedly oppose it? There are already animal rights groups using bogus studies to bash wind power because "the windmills will kill birds". Have you seen the speed that of which the modern windmills in wind farms spin? It's incredibly slow! One could argue the only birds who would die from windmills are the "weakest of the species". Leftists love to advocate Darwinism when it fits their purpose, but cleverly forget to implicate it in situations such as this.
Finally, please make no mistake about my opinions of Barry Obama. Do I think he's a "secret muslim" or some other far right conservative cliche? No, I do not. I know that ultimately, he understands how capitalism works and will be a typical politician who says one thing yet does another. He's not going to radically change the world, no matter how much his followers believe. If president, he'll be mediocre at best. Ditto with McCain.
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