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Edited By MarioJP_

that is find and dandy mmallory which i have no problem with that. Just don't tell people that know stuff about computers to switch to a console. This is what this debate really about. It is a war between pc gamers and console gamers. Each to his own likings. But Please just don't say pc gaming sucks just because one had a bad experience and spread the word around. Not saying you are but speaking in general. And another reason why these debates happens because most people don't want pc gaming to die out. Which is why you never see these debates go away. and also to keep game companies inform that this crowd exist. Otherwise PC gaming will go in the dark and forgotten. And i don't think it be a good idea if pc gaming did went away. Its the backbone to fuel these consoles. you already have a ATI and Nvidia parts inside your console as we speak. And where did these two companies come from Making pc graphics card. It what gives console a run for its money.

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Edited By MarioJP_

and very misleading too. Thanks Gamespot for causing a uproar for nothing

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Edited By MarioJP_

The thing is metalliod is the fastest thing that gets outdated really fast are gpu's not cpu's second all these games are barely to start making use of multi threaded cores. Having a dualcore is more than enough. Quad core games are not there yet. Most likely the only thing you be replacing out of your entire system is the gpu which is very easy thing to do. 1. pop open side case (don't forget to ground yourself and no power to prevent damage) and unscrew or unlatched depending on the case unplug the old card out and put a new better cheaper gpu and your done. As for the drivers if you have ati updated driver and upgrade to a faster ati gpu then your pretty much done as the driver will take care of the rest. Unless you decide to switch to nvidia and then of course you have to uninstall the ati drivers and install nvidia drivers. Another flaw to your statement (no offense) is there is no such thing as a "dream gaming pc" that is all marketing hype really. I would expect that from a console but not on a pc. What manufactures and yes including consoles just want you to believe this is the best thing to buy whether its a "dream PC" or state of the art console. they just want to make sure they get as much money out of you. Look at the 360 and how cheap that console is. And look how cheaper pc hardware has gotten over 1 year. Do you still classify that as a "dream gaming PC". Its all marketing and very misleading. Do you consider "alienware" a dream gaming rig??. Because if you do then yea pc gaming is expensive lol.

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Edited By MarioJP_

Good valid points Tony But i will say the build ground up cost is not 1800 In fact if you want to build a system that is exactly where the consoles are at try 1000 maybe even less since i noticed these prices for these parts are dropping like flies. In fact i am helping a friend put together a system we are aiming at no more than 900 at best. Now if you want a system that will be designed for serious multitasks and not just for games than ya expect to pay a little higher but not far fetched either. My rig that i build a year ago i only spent total of 1700 for my build and it includes 8gb of ddr2 memory pc6400 2xsamsung 750gb drive in raid0 (added bonus performance for free) Q6600 2.4ghz quad core cpu OC up to 3.3ghz (added bonus performance for free) 950 watt roeswill power Supply antec 900 case (Very nice case and very efficient with cooling) Zalman copper heat sink (really does the job) 3870 512GDDR4 and has been OC from 775mhz to up to 835mhz (free added bonus performance gained) And a Abit quad GT Motherboard windows vista Home Preimum 64 bit edition And till this day i am more than enough to run every single console port out there noooo problems :) Build date December 2007 and haven't upgraded since then in fact i can optionally upgrade my card if i want to. Maybe upgrade to the new 4870gpu just to see the benchmarks on the Folding@home LOL. I build this system not only for games but also to do some serious virtualizations and that takes alot of resources than any pc game out there. Well except for crysis that an exception I bet you these same specs the cost will be lower than 1700 maybe even 1400 now. Its about timing its when you should upgrade not whats out currently. Only a fool upgrades that is right out of the oven. If the price drops even further on the 4870 i am buying it. With that said. For the last time these tests are not accurate when trying to measure the full potential of PC hardware when in reality consoles is holding back the true performance. Especially when a game is MULTIPLATFORM just isn't comparable. How about comparing crysis into these screenshots then you have a real winner.

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Edited By MarioJP_

That is what you expect to hear from a console fanboi. I bet he has no clue how pc's even work. And if you want real facts. Well here you go Folding@home with a single 3870 outpeforms the cell easily and the 4870 just over kills it. And this is a task that can be definitely be good for comparison not games. Little does he know is once again GAMES ARE NOT PUSHING THE SYSTEM HARD ENOUGH!!. I want to see if you can run crysis on the ps3 without being dumb down???. Apparently Consoles can't handle crysis because it was optimized for the PC. and bluray?? you say. i can easily get a blu ray BURNER and burn blu ray discs and not just play. But apparently Blu ray on the pc just isn't need it because PC's have other better alternatives to these outdated overpriced discs. And not to mention Very Very slow compared to a flash drive or hard drive. In fact PS3 can't even Emulate the PS2 LOL. Its the same reason why you are able to play ps1 games on the ps3 but not PS2 games on the Newer Models LOL!. The older model had the real Playstation 2 Chip built on to its motherboard but sony removed it so it can cut costs and the emulating of the ps2 on the ps3 cel just did not work apparently. I am finally going to get a HD LCD monitor that cost 220 bucks and guess what it has HDMI support. Take your hd expensive tv and shove it. And also video cards have HDMI support but really you don't need that really because DVI and D-Sub or VGA Is more than enough to handle HDMI Output and this technology has been around ages before hi def was introduced for consoles. Not only amazon09 is a troll but also brained washed by these console how superior they are LOL!!. The only good comparison between a console and PC gaming is one is easier to setup that i will admit. and no overhead meaning won't cause a distraction when you are online and have like aim running in the background. But other than that nothing really. Also not like "PC Gaming is a nightmare to setup either LOL. I haven't had those bad experiences since the Pentium 3 Days LOL get real. I rated jfvert 1+ because of what he said "PC games always look better than console games. The problem is that I would rip myself off if I tried to piece together a computer because I would have no idea what I was doing." I would suggest you start listening to this guy and maybe LEARN something out of this well said :)

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Edited By MarioJP_

Well said! At least someone here is actually using his brain and not believing what gamespot has posted. Can't believe people are falling for this crap. A Typical console gamer will believe this crap. With that being said they probably did not even use the right setup. Not really a good comparison when you have a review site geared towards consoles isn't it!. and to amazon09. Unless you don't care about frames and how they are very limited doesn't sound to me its a good powerful gpu. Even a 3870 can outclass the PS3 GPU. Frames do matter when it comes to gameplay your know. Especially GTA IV I find it funny how people are ignoring the fact that pc gaming is not expensive. Automatically assume the best of thest hardware that it takes to run these games. Guess what?? That is WRONG! So lets stop ignoring this part and accept the fact that it does not cost much to not only outclassing consoles but also gaming really well on the pc. Sides these games are ported from consoles and any console game being ported to pc can easily run it with HIGHER FRAMERATES!! get that through your head.

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Edited By MarioJP_

And here we go again those people are clueless about pc hardware. I find it hard to believe that people still think that pc ganing is expensive yea right!!. That just shows what the mass market really knows.

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Edited By MarioJP_

And here we go again that peolpe are clueless about pc hardware. I find it hard to believe that people still think that pc ganing is expensive yea right!!. That just shows what the mass market really knows.

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Edited By MarioJP_

" cgeor23 Wrote Posted Jan 6, 2009 7:13 am GMT Well YA CAN BLOODY GET SUCH GOOD PC GRAPHIC CARDS DUH, IT IS STUPID, YA CANT GET A PS3, TAKE IT APART AND PUT A NEW GRAPHICS CARD IN IT COMPUTERS YA TAKE IT TO A STORE AND THEY PUT THE BEST GRAPHICS CARD IN IT EASY AS PIE!!! JESUS CHRIST!!!" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You were fine at the moment until you mention "take it to a store and they put the best graphics card in it easy as pie" Tisk tisk Not a good way to throw away money thats for sure lol. I find it funny how ram cost way less than a 360 or ps3 game LOL. Or a 3870 graphics card with 512 DEDICATED video ram is cheaper than the ps3 console and right on par with the 360 pricing. If you don't believe me have a look OMG Its even cheaper than the 360. Holy crap they drop the price again. That same card that i have now that currently kick ass in all these ports cost \\$99 Bucks?? i am jealous!!. It used to cost 279 (that is when it first came out) Yet this card runs silent hill homecoming at 1600x1200 everything max. Perfect game to compare it with the 360's gpu's. Simply has been outclassed. Runs at a very solid frames no lag in this game at all. Though they could of improved whats already impressive visuals even more but oh well.

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Edited By MarioJP_

Its clear that gamespot just realized this was a really bad mistake for posting a test that is not even in the same league. Its like trying to race a fast car with a nascar or F1. Just isn't in the same league. I hope nothing like this ever happens again. Its clear that the average person thinks he knows but does not. all they care about whats cheap and nothing in between. All this "tech talk" just confuses the illiterate people. But i will say this that i played all 3 systems. Sure consoles gets the games first but who cares. And even after all trying all systems including gears of war. Some reason i still go back to pc gaming. And even console ports to pc looks and plays better. IF you have your setup right. The goal here is to have a setup right without leaving a empty deep pocket at the end. And for the last time There is no such thing as High End PC Rigs. In fact PC gaming And High end Rigs are now divided. As most of you may or may not be aware is that these Extremely high end rigs aren't just for games anymore because Games ain't pushing the system hard enough thanks to the slow struggling consoles. Crysis have proved that theory and game companies are just in it for the sales. Not really pushing the hardware. This is the main reason why this is very flawed. Lazy port and what i mean by lazy i mean they did not even bother to push the resources. take that back AMPLE resources on the pc and just left it at what we pc user like to call "Console settings" LOL. Which those screenshots that gamespot posted look almost identical. Otherwise this debate would of not have been started. High end rigs are for serious graphics design work or just simply show off what you have built. But you definitely went way beyond the game's recommended requirements. At the end of the day PC gaming is a preference not being forced upon on. Lastly I am more than willing enough to play games on a console like at a friend's house but not enough to actually own one. they just simply don't convince me. Because i use my pc more often than i do with a console. Wow this debate has really gotten out of hand. and to further proof that pc gaming is not expensive here is your hard evidence right here More than enough ram to run crysis and still have left over. At that price minus well just upgrade to 8GB of ram and call it a day Done!!.