You know, I was very much against the Go when it was announced, but now, I have one and I'm very pleased with it. It all depends on how you play games...when I was collecting games, I wanted box art and perfect discs. Now, I have less money to spend on collecting and would rather just enjoy them instead of seeing the boxes sitting on a shelf getting dusty. I also picked up a used Go in perfect condition (even had a screen guard on it) for $150...which I used my old PSP 1000 and a few games to trade for. Take into account exactly what games you want to play and find out what is available on the network and readily available in stores. Either way, you're going to get a great system and have access to some fantastic titles.
MarkedByAshes' forum posts
I have a theory that the DS version was done rather than a PSP version because the DS got really bad reviews last time and there were problems with it. I think this is their way of making it up to those who felt shafted by that earlier edition. Just a theory...but I'mloving the newedition so far.And I still intend on getting the 360 version. :D
Well, here I am sitting at a computer at 5am...why? Because I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep. So what do I do? Take advantage of a dark, quiet house. I cracked open my brand new copy of Silent Hill Origins and plugged in my headphones. After an hour of play, here's what I have to say (so far)...
Sound - As with every Silent Hill, this is one of the most important factors in making or breaking a survival-horror game. Music is added in just the right places, and when it comes in, it fits the mood and/or scene. The ambient noise is also fantastic.
Graphics - This gameis BEAUTIFUL (for adirty little town covered in blood, rust, and fog). This is how it's done. I hope more developerstake note of how great you can make a game look on the PSP and not sacrifice anything.
Gameplay - Damn, this is top-notch! Easy topick up and play if you are a Silent Hill veteran. I know there are people who are going to complain about the classic Silent Hill/Resident Evil control scheme (up makes your character go forward) and breakable weapons, butthe controls have workedso well for so long, why mess with perfection? Andbreakable weaponsmake it more imperative that you conserve.
Value - $30? Hell yeah! I would have paid $40-50 for this game! Worth every penny!
Final words - You won't believe how awesome this game is in every aspect. I have been waiting for thisfrom the day it was originally announced (about 2 years ago I think) and have been watching it go through the development process. It was well worth the wait and I hope they do many more on the PSP.
(Full review to be posted upon completion of the game.)
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