The PSP got all the great arcade collections (Midway, Capcom, Namco)...I think it's time for a few GOOD collections for the DS. The Namco collection is a joke compared to the PSP version, the Konami collection was atrocious, so where does that leave us? I have a few ideas:
Castlevania Legends - a collection of the first 4 Castlevnia games (from the NES and SNES) with enhanced graphics and unlockable extras including full color versions of the GameBoy Castlevania titles; Adventure, Belmont's Revenge, and Legends.
Mega Man Collection - Capcom seemed to forget about us GBA and DS owners when it came time to release the 20th Anniversary collections...
Kid Icarus - Do I really have to say anything more?
Mario Super Stars - It would be Mario All-Stars for the DS. Imagine Mario 1-4 and Lost Levels with New Super Mario Bros. graphics. I know it won't happen since we just got the Mario Advance series over the past few years.
Wizards & WarriorsTrilogy - Remember those games? All three games in one package with better graphics and unlockable W&W Chapter X (GBA).
Dragon Warrior (Dragon Quest) - Oh yeah, I saved the best for last. I know (most) everone likes the upgrade of Final Fantasy 3. Well, with the coming release of Dragon Quest 9 exclusively for the DS, why not do an enhanced remake of the original with graphics to match DQ9? The quest was actually short enough (by today's standards) that I'm sure they could pack in remakes of DW(DQ) 2 and maybe even 3.
And that's all I've got for now. Cheers!
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