MasterSniper17 Blog
Check out my image that i just uploaded
by MasterSniper17 on Comments
100 things about me (Got from prettyinpink)
by MasterSniper17 on Comments
1. Name- John O
2. Nickname-None
3.D.O.B.-Jan. 17 1992
4.Place of birth-London, Ontario
7.School-not in school right now
10.MsN-i have one
11.Hair color-black
12.Hair length-hair doesnt grow that way
13.Eye color-Brown
16.Braces-getting them soon
17.Glasses-dont neeed then
20.Righty or lefty-righty
-Your first-
21.Best friend-Matt and Andrew
22.First Award-never got one
23.First sport-none
24.First pet-cat
25.First real vacation-Thailand
26.First concert-i don't remember
27.First love-never had one
29.Tv show-Wild World of Spike
33.Songs-Janne Da Arc-Mr.Trouble maker
34.Friends-I have alot
35.Sweets-cookies n' cream ice cream
36.Sport to play-soccer,rugby
37.Restaraunt-Kings buffet
39.Shop-game stores
40.School Subject-I hate the ones that are boarding
42.Books-Halo series
43.Magazine-Game pro
44.Shoes-my shocks, and street
47.Have a crush-nope
49.Drinking-same as above
50.Listening to-Janne Da Arc-Wild Fang
51.Thinking about-nothing
52.Wanting-The next Gen console
53.Watching-nothing at the moment unless a computer screen counts
57.Destination of Residence-dont know
58.Car-BMW M3
-What do you prefer in opposite sex- i dont get question
59.Hair color-keep it the same
60.Hair length-hair doesnt grow that way
61.Eye color-same
62.Measurments-don't care
63.Cute or Sexy-see me in person
64.Lips or Eyes-dont care
65.Hugs or Kisses-daont care
66.Short or Tall-Tall-medium
67.Easy going or Serious-a ittle bit of both
68.Romantic or Spontanious-dont know
69.Fatty or Skinny-In between
70.Sensitive or loud-1st one
71.Hook up or Relationship-Relationship
72.Sweet or Caring-Both
73.Troublemaker or Hesitant-isecond one
-Have you ever-
74.Kissed a stranger-No
75.Had Alcohol-No
77.Done anything crazy-No
78.Ran away from home-No
79.Broken a bone-No
80.Got an X-ray-Yes
81.Went out with someone-No
82.Broken someones heart-nope
83.Broke up with someone-No
84.Cried when someone died-nope didnt really care
85.Cried at school-Yes
-Do you believe in-
88.Love at first sight-no!
91.Soul mates-Yes
95.Kissing on first date-hmmm
96.Horoscopes-if i feel like believing
99.Favorite meal-anything thats good is good
100.Favorite game-dont make me choose cuz theres so many
I Fix one of my greatest problems of all time
by MasterSniper17 on Comments
no its not my lazyniess but the problem was that i couldnt see hosted imaged. But now i can thanks to a little help from GSFAQ or something like that. Thats is all
Change a couple of things on my profile. My header image is Bass and my avater is funny just watch it
"PS3 enlisted to fight dieases"
by MasterSniper17 on Comments
just an article i found on msn
Sony is set to update software for its PlayStation 3 video game console to improve downloads from its online network, connect to a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse - and try to find cures for diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and cancer.
CBC News
The latest version of the company's system software for the PS3 includes code that enables PS3 owners to let the Folding @ home project at Stanford University in Palo Alto, Calif., use the machine's powerful Cell processor to study how proteins assemble.
The Folding @ home project links computers over the internet with the help of a small program that runs when the system is idle, and uses the networked or distributed processing power to simulate complex problems that would take months or years to work through. Anyone with a recent PC and a broadband internet connection can download the software and participate.
Understanding how proteins assemble or fold, and why they sometimes fold incorrectly, or misfold, could be a key to understanding the origins of diseases such as Alzheimer's, Huntington's, Lou Gehrig's, Parkinson's, mad cow and its human equivalent Creutzfeld-Jakob.
"This upcoming firmware update not only delivers capabilities that gamers are asking for, such as enhanced downloading, it also enables us to tap into the PS3 community for the Folding @ home project, leveraging the power of PS3's technology and the ever-expanding reach of our user base to help researchers find cures for diseases," Peter Dille, senior vice-president of marketing for Sony Computer Entertainment of America, said in a written statement e-mailed to CBC News Online.
Chip more powerful than desktop
The PS3's central processor or brain, the Cell chip co-developed with IBM, is 10 to 50 times more powerful than a standard desktop computer, IBM spokesman Glen Brandow told CBC News Online. The chip is also used in IBM's servers, and in automotive and aerospace design, he said.
According to Sony, the system can conduct simulations for the Folding @ home software about 20 to 30 times faster than the average home computer.
Only PS3s that have an internet connection will be able to link into the Folding @ home system.
The PS3 firmware version 1.60 can be installed starting on Thursday by selecting the system update feature when the console is connected to the internet, downloading it to a computer and transferring it to the console through compatible storage media such as a USB data drive, or installed from a new game disc.
Other system enhancements provided through the firmware include:
- The ability to queue up to six content selections for download from the PlayStation online store.
- The ability to use a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse with the PS3 as well as an onscreen digital keyboard.
- The ability to zoom into a web page viewed through the console's browser.
The firmware will also let the 20-gigabyte version of the PS3:
- Use data such as photos, music and videos stored on a PlayStation Portable handheld gaming unit through a Wi-Fi wireless connection.
- Give users the option of automatically starting a disc inserted into the DVD drive.
- Enable the system to play back rewritable Blu-Ray discs (BD-RE).
Happy Drunk Day!
by MasterSniper17 on Comments
Lets go to Prison- 7/10 y cuz it wasnt that much funny
JackA@# number 2- 8/10 not as funny as the first one but check it out if you like stupidlty adn seeing people gettinng hurt
Well thats all about it. And heres anotehr quote from a cartoon character. "Any problem that is cause by a Tank can be solved by a Tank". Peter Griffin, Family Guy
I am not dead or something bad has happen to me
by MasterSniper17 on Comments
I havnt done of these in a while yet. Y cuz i am too lazy to do stuff on March Break or some of you would call it spring break. To countinue my last blog
#4: Janne Da Arc- Wild Fange or some of you might know it by Megaman X8 i think Good beat and everything esle. Srry no ofically video for this song
#3 Tamaki Nami- Reason. Y i like it cause its on my favourite show off all time well almost of all time. Good beat and good dancing and everything esle. I look at the youtube comments for the video adn some people said she was hot and good looking. Seriously look at the comments. and other stuff related to that i am not to mention cause too imaportanted
Ok this is alot harder now since i can only pick two songs to make the list. So i well countinue this later,tomorrow, or when i stop being lazy
A funny quote. I am a BassAssassin. What does it mean i have no idea. Jason Ellis, Wild World of Spike
Top 10 Most Favourite songs of all time (Part #1)
by MasterSniper17 on Comments
since i have some free time i guess i should be doing this list. But first new anime on YTV if you have the channel. It is called Gundam Seed Density (Probbley a quarter of you seen it or heard it before so dont blam me cuz this is my firts time seeing the show). Catch Every Friday night at 9:40 pm. Schaulde might change later on to 9:30 PM so just watch. Not all my favourites songs can make it on the list
10: 30 Seconds to Mars-From Yesterday. y i like it cuz it has samurai fighting in a music for onced and its awsome. - From Yesterday by 30 seconds to Mars
9: Billy Talent-Fallen Leaves. I guess its ok - Fallen Leaves by Billy Talent
8: Relient K-Who i am hates Who I've Been- could be awsome if you could rewind time in real life -look above this link to find song title cuz too long to spell
7: Finger Eleven-Paralyzer- It's has a good beat look above to know music song and band cuz too lazy to type here
6: Orange Range- Asterisk probbley only two songs on my list that are japanese and are from anime shows Asterisk by Orange Range
5: L'Arc ~en ciel- -Ready Steady Go-Awsome song i recommand it if you like the band or the anime show where this song was from look above cuz too long to spell again
I well do the rest either tomarrow,next day or when i feel like it. Until then enjoy these video i posted
Top 10 mosted Hated songs of all time (Part #2)
by MasterSniper17 on Comments
4:Champion-No heaven...more like no good beat
3:Justin Timberlake-What goes around comes around...Too long of a song to listen to. I mean who has 9 minutes of their life to listen to this song
2: Gwen Sterfieni-Wind up...Lets just say it like watching a German music video that i dont even understand or get until the very last scene (No offensive to everybody from Germany or are living in Germany)
1: Gwen Sterfieni-Sweet whats there not to like about this song. No good reason too many people these days request this song too much. I mean Akon is ok but he doing a song with Gwen is like me getting straight As throught my whole high school year which well never happen and Hopefully this is the last song he ever does with her. I can go on and on about thi song for a couple more minutes but i dont feel like it so there you go my top ten hated songs of all times part 2. Next blog My most favourite songs of all time which well be awsome
Until then chow: And don't forget to talk to me on caz i need people to talk to or do you know any good shosw then tell me by responding in this blog
Top 10 most hated song of all time
by MasterSniper17 on Comments
but first a little bit of news. I was at my local Zellers yesterday or Friday i should say and i was checking out the games section of the store. And i saw this sign that said $19.99 for any games in the bin. So i was going through seeing which game i could get for my cube and i saw Fifa street 2 which i like. So should i get the game or not
10-Promucious-Nelly Furtado. I mean come on when this song was first relese it was everywhere and i heard it everywhere
9-Panic at the disco-I write sins not trigesses...dunno how to spell song name but just hate the video
8-K-Fed only video and song relese. I mean come on does he except us to listen to him while he has not talent. He can dance but not rap so we can all make fun of him
7-cat Dolls-all the songs. I mena why listen to their signing while you can look at their reavel outfits. Almost eevry video their outfits gets more and more reaveleding
6-Fergie-London bridge. Doesnt have a really good beat
5-Heldy-Street fight. Nothing is wrong with the band or video but the idea was probbley taken by Blink 182 Rock show video.
I do the rest either later today of tomorrow
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