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MasterSniper17 Blog

We won yay! where our trouphy and award

So today my school had a fun day in the afternoon. That mean all class were 35 min long so i and my friends went and sign up in the office for the fun day soccer. While we were there we check out the teams and we saw team number 1 which had all the best player and so on. So i sign up as team 8 so when it came down to the time of the hal field soccer match our first team we had to play was the teachers team. My math teacher was on there but in the end we won, after 20 min we play a grade 10 and possible 11 team and we won so were we 2 and 0. then came the afternoon were half of the team drop out or quit. So that leaves 3 teams, my team, a grade 10 team and my friend qutein teams so we dominated the first match we play in the semi final. Then we play qutein team which we had some diffuclt since they had soccer expereince and we didnt. So after we tie the game we had a shoot out. Pretty lame if you ask me cuz we had to get it through between two narrow cones. So after a couple of people shot travis went up to shoot for our team so he shot the ball and it went fast then started to go solow and it was about to stop but went through the cones. Then jacob scores the winning goal and we won the whole tournment. cuz the other teams drop out. I well post the score below for you all to see and postion we all play

Us vs Teacher


Us vs grade 10


Us vs grade 10 & 11


Us vs qutein team

3-2 shootout

And heres the postion we all play

Me- Goal keeper

Matt- Defence

Travis- Forward

Dennis- Forward

Jacob- Defence

Greig- Forward, and shooter

Oh and btw the lady said it was a "friendly match" we didnt take it seriously and still won. I wish we got something for our victory...sigh 

Death Almost got me today

So me and my friend Andrew were walking home from school today. Normally he gets a ride but his dad wasnt there and mom at the same time. So we were near the end of the field and about to cross. Well we started crossing and all of a sudden a green poatic comes speeding down the end of the road my friend andrew said run. So i run and he run we made it to the sidewalk in time and me and him said. Wth arent you supposed to slow down when there are people crossing. So the lady gives my friend the middle finger and he give his back and shouted. Well it something your not supposed to call girls i let you know that. Wats wrong with people these days speeding and everything esle and no looking for childen crossing the streets. If we havnt run then my friend would have been in the hospital as i type this. So that was my near death expereience of me and my friend hope it well never happen again for the rest of my life

one of my friends on msn needs some advice

So one of my friend has this one person on her bus who keeps staring at her and smiling at the same time. His name is Ryan or something like that anyways her problem is that she doesnt know if he likes her or just want to be friends. I know i always keep out of love life and never mention it here but this may be a first. So can anybody help her out by giving adive on this blog and i well tell her. Her name shell not be mentiond cuz to keep privicy. Thanks MS17

I dont do the hug and make up stuff.

so i was at school in the morning and me and my friends were fooling around. you know kick each other, push each other, and sometimes push them into a locker. Well after a couple of minutes fooling around this one teacher comes and here how the conversation goes.

Teacher: what are you doing

Jacob: nothing

Teacher: it look like you were pushing each other

Jacob: for fun

Teacher: and it look like you were kicking each other

Matt: We only did it cuz it was fun

Me: Plus its a boardoom thing

teacher: well it doesnt look fun

Teacher: well i think you should make up

everybody: srry to one another (not me cuz i dont do that)

teacher: and i think you should all give each other a hug

me: got to be kidding me

Jacob: no

everbody esle: no

me: my doctor advise me from getting hugs and to stay away from them

teacher starts to walk away

me: ok then... i'm still not doing any of that shes says

so in the end i learn that not every meathod of solving a problem can end with a hug...yea that my lesson of the day only applieds to people who have gf and bf so thats all and remember. :no one is safe from the sniper: thx MS17

I need help choosing a next game

so i narry it down to these games

Batien Kaitos: Orgins for the cube- looks good $49.95

Starcraft Battle pack- Three games in one plus i need a RTS on my computer $19.99

Warcraft 3: Battle Pack- Same as above $49.99

Megaman 6: Dunno whitch one but they look good

or should i save up to buy a next gen console

Buy a Xbox 360- Halo 3...only reason

Buy a will- Looks good

Not buying a PS3 thats what i know

So can you help me decide whitch idea i could go with and i post the price of each game. Thx for taking your time to read this and you might of noticed that i change my header pic and can anybody tell me where its from. And remember my new quote "Not everybody is safe from the sniper" Thx MS17


been a long time since i done a blog but heres it goes. First of all my review for Rainbow six lockdown is up so go check it out. Second i reach level 27 whitch is...i dunno really know but i dont cares. and lastly i uploaded another video so go check it out. its a music video

Dude thats gotta hurt seriously

So i was walking home from my school cuz it just ended. And i always walk past the high school parking lot. So i saw this one teenager drive really fast like hes about to do a doughut. Then all of a sudden a guy falls out of the passenger and lands on the ground and he starts to get up and go to his car while the others guy is about to leave and lauging at the same time reverse his car and went to check up on his so call "friend". So when he got there the cop who is always there to watch just and case of anything drive his car up the student parking lot and went over to check on the guy that fell out. Then when i'm about half way home i see a firetruck coming up the route to my school and i was like "now what" and then shortly afterwards i saw an ambelence coming up the same rout and i said "you got to be kidding me" so the guy look ok to me then again i couldnt see what really happen. And in other news if you have a GF or BF and they tell you they complete a assignment or something dont say "what you want a gold medal,medal,nobel prize" dont say it trust me on this one you just dont say it at all. MS17

Does anybody played this game

If you played this game or you heard of it. Instailled in your comp and i well challenge you to a match. Look for my username whitch is Roy17

ok since the part doesnt have a link i guess i post the website and the game name. and like DDR except you use your fingers,arrow keys and space bar while looking at the screen

If you are playing this game then i want to know your username so i can challenge you. And if you cant find me in the lobby then look for a game called "All is welcome" I need a challenger

Srry i wasnt able to be on yesterday

As for yesterday i'm srry i couldnt be on cause the area where i live had a internet problem and i couldnt get on till after school today. Well in gym today or during launch we were playing indoor soccer and i am always goalkeeper cause i'm good at that postiotn. So this grade 12 kid comes in am i like "Oh s..." not him and he was on the opposite team. So this one time he shot and it went in my "personal area" and i said 'ouch" and the second time was more painful i fell to the ground and said "ouch " and my english teacher told me to get up cuz she was there to supersivour us. The rest of my teamates thought that was a good save i didnt think it was cuz my personal area was just shot at:shock:

Y does this game series has to be so hard?

I of course am talking about the Tom Clancys gaem series espically the Rainbow one. Splinter cell is fun cause there a health pack somewhere in the level. While the rainbow series no health pack anywhere,squad base...I just let them, and the diffuclty level is way too hard i mean come on...only three healths bars and thats all i saw game with more health bars then that. I hope soon i well master the rainbow part of the series while i'm doing ok with the splinter cell part. So thats about it...srry if there hasnt been a blog for sometime cause i'm well...too lazy to make one:shock: