@CRAPCOM1926 @OurSin-360 The first year of the X1 and PS4 will have more exclusives than the Wii U and tons more awesome third party titles like Witcher 3 for example. All Nintendo will have is a bunch of rehashed Mario, DK and Super Smash bro games while a couple good ones like Wonderful 101 and others come out. Plus even with the price drop that is happening with the Wii U it's still overpriced because of the dumb tablet controller.
@SOLDIER-No2 Yea because Sony has more than their one color black. We all know more colors will be coming to both in the future so crying like little kids over a color is sad.
@ThisIsTwoFace @alienNnja Sony talked about there being SOOOO many exclusives but after their conference we can see most are going to be indies which will likely also come to the X1 eventually, MS is trying to get more AAA retail titles out which is fine by me, competition is good.
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