Basically should I get a single copy of warhammer 40k: space marine, section 8 pejuidce + dlc for me, or the section 8 prejudice 4 pack for me and some friends. Yes I am talking about the steam sales on right now.
A friend of my is turning his hand to pc gaming and I was wondering what game I should get as a welcoming gift. He likes strategy (civ revo o xbox) and also likes shooters, sanbox and action adventure. He seems to dislike serious rpgs (Oblivion, hasn't played Skyrim, enjoyed fable 2). What games hould I get him? I was thinking about half life 2.
Blur is a good racer, as is forza. Darksiders is a fun action game, alan wake is an enjoyable stor driven experience. Crackdown is a fun GTA style game, if you don't mind the shooter elements. On terms of games for kids your going to struggle, arcade games can be good and kameo was quite enjoyable. Maybe banjo kazooie nuts and bolts I've heard that's pretty good. Oh and I've also heard good things about viva pinata. Try them perhaps.
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