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MattHughesV2 Blog

My Ps2 Still Being an idiot and stuff

yeh so i tryed ramming my disc tray out and it wont work soi will keep on later and hopefully fix it, i am nearly al evel 25 so happy bout that and later on i will be starting a wwe superstar battle involving all the top guys from today and u will vote and select who progresses to the next round so i will get on that and will hvave it up soon so just blogging to keep you p to date an to get my blog level up so yeh comments please

Damn My PS2

the disc tray on my ps2 just broke and i am gutted, at least i have a gamcube but hopefully i will have a 360 at xmas so, do any of you know how to fix it, it comes out a little bit then gets stuck and retracts again. help anyone, i hate my ps2 right now


Survivor series Thoughts and Results

well orton beat hbk

tista retained over taker

punk retained against morrison and miz

jeff and hhh survived the team elimination match

hornswoggle beat khali (dq)

and i didnt pay much attentino to te womens match.

i thought orton winning was great, bit predictable but ok,roidtista wins, big surprise :roll:, and i was actually enjoyed by the ecw title match 3 great competitiors but i am happy punk won, the ss matc hwas the best of the night some great rivalries and some great action, hornswoggle khali is basically a gimmick so i wasnt interested but in all a good ppv i thought deserved of a 6 out of 10 from me, post your thoughts and i'll get back to you later

3 blogs in one day

yeh it's sunday so i'm bloggin yet again my 3rd today, i wud appreciate it if you posted in all 3 of them, and i just wanted to talk bout surivor series.

of the current matches which ones are you most looking forward too, i dont like batista so the wh match is not good, the wwe title match i will be lookin forward to for the first time in a whilke now cena is out and the 10 men match looks great. the hornswoggle khali match sounds stupid and the divas match looks ok

what i think will happen

orton retains by dq or by clear win

roidtista retains (even though i want taker to win)

Cm Punk retians (though i wont miz to win we all know he wont)

team hhh wins losing 2 members

hornswoggle/Khlai wont start deue to some technicality

and i dont care bout the womens match

please share your ss thoughts and i may post a review of it tommorow.

Xmas List

well i thought coz it was sunday i wud take a mo to blog and tell you what i want for xmas, coz it will be here before you know it, please feel free to buy me any of these and sendthem to

johnberg jones

1111222333 digestive biscuit place


so anyway in order of priority

1. 360 and some good games

2. some tna dvds

3. a lava lamp

4. a new pair of slippers cozmine have a big hole in :lol:

5. money

just comment on my blog and tell me what you guys want and please all you numptys out there dont try and send things to that adress coz u'll just look daft :lol: might blog again later and get my count up i dunno so cya guys later

Cross Country

well, it's sunday and i thoguht coz i hadnt blogged in a bit i wud, so as you can guess its bout cross country, now basically cross country is 3 laps of my school feild, which doesnt sound a lot but it is, now i ahve never been good at it but when mr borthwick said we were doing it i thoguht "OH $H!T @$$ poop" so i got on wid it and did rather well.

my previous time was 18:49 but now i did a 14:38, so i didnt set a relatively fast time seen as my mates olly and haigy set a 10 minute something so not the fastest but the slowest was a 19 minutes something so i am a nice middle ground which i'm happy bout.

basically today gonna chill out do some house work and stuff and wrap some xmas presents coz i like wrapping them which sounds strange but i cud do it all day, so yeh just a blog, and does anyone know how many blogs you have to do to get the emblem, so i'll see ya later and enjoy the clip below


6000 post count

yeh so its saturday and i'm just chillin so tohught i wud say that my post ount jsut hit over the 6k mark, so yeh feel free to comment and i shud get back to you tommorow with my more general blog so i must go and do a little dance in honour of my psot count

Cant Be Bothered

well its tuesday and i am off school today for a review day which is basically an excuse for teachers to have a mess around, and i am extremely tired after not going bed last night coz i cuddnt be bothered doing that either, but now i get a day of relaxation.

so yeh just chillin, gonna phone my mate tyson afta for the crack and whatever so yeh, no real discussion today just a little update to let you know that i'm still alive even if i am rather zombie like, actually this is weird, i turned level 24 a few days back and i was rather awake but now i feel asleep, this is a rather strange coincidence.

but yeh just comment or whatever i font really care right now, i aint sad or ill i just seriously cannot be bothered doing anything :lol:

no click if you dare today coz guess what I cant be..........zzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Sad But True

hey everyone, v2 here, and yes it's sunday so here i am, and once again i brrin you a unique blog and a general discussion, so once again my title sounds slightly vague and you may be wondering what i am talking about today and it isnt a mettalica song before yoiu start thinking that.

well this is a topic that you either love or hate, Christmas!!!!, sorryt if you just screamed and ran round the room then, coz people like it and some people hate it, kids especially love it, but when you grow up you learn the truth like me, and no i dont mean santa isnt real, i mean the real cost of christmas.

with it only 7 weeks away now how prepared are you, i have most of the big pressents now i just need to buy chocolates and vodka etc, so i am kinda prepared, i have wrapping paper as well and xmas cards,so how prepared are you is the general question.

my grandma was prepared fully in abouyt august coz she sees something on tv and buys it for whoever and stuff, so yeh she is prepared.

post your thoughts and i'll get back to you next week or tuesday maybe i dont know, i will leave you now with a hilarious clip.

CLICK IF YOU DARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

level 24

just a wuick blog to say i've leveled up, i now feel asleep apparently which is strange as i have just had some coffe and hasve never felt so awake bnut yweh we'll trust the gamespot staff on his one