Mawy_Golomb's comments

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Edited By Mawy_Golomb

@Pilgrim117 @Mawy_Golomb All I'm saying is that there have always been young people somewhat along those lines throughout every generation. You can't really blame them when our media can have a negative influence on society in general. As much as I'll admit to having moments where I disapproved of the things certain teens did when I was around that age, I wouldn't put everyone in the same category.

The only reason it seems like it's gotten worse is due to the increased publicity of our own actions, especially with things like Facebook, YouTube, etc.

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Edited By Mawy_Golomb

I love how people spout ephebiphobic (fear/hatred/discrimination towards teens or youth in general) comments here, particularly regarding the COD community. That's not to say that there aren't some bad examples of children out there, but a lot of adults, especially gamers, make it seem like every child/teen is horrible and/or incompetent. I guess this country has still a lot of healing left to do before we live in a very egalitarian society.

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Edited By Mawy_Golomb

How about this, Ubisoft? Give a sort of Chrono Trigger-like experience, where you get to travel between the past, present, and future throughout different sections of the world's continents (of course, being relegated to a few cities in each of them)? Now that would be a massive open world experience. But, I guess the fact that Ubisoft wants to keep the franchise going for as long as possible, this kind of idea is pretty much out of the question.

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Sorry, but I really don't see why people are making such a fuss about Carolyn's articles. If she wants to write feminist articles, then let her. If you don't like it, you have no right to try to take her rights away from her to be able to take about whatever is on her mind.

I don't see how society can continue to get better and better, unless many bigots receive a lot of pressure to change and remove themselves from discriminating against minorities or women. People need to keep pressing on, no matter what hatred others throw at them.

Years down the line, later generations will be looking back at history and how we all lived our lives, and see just how much more narrow-minded a lot of us were. So, which side of history will you be on? The one where you are remembered as a sexist (or bigoted, pretentious) fool or as the one who choose to allow for further progress in humanity moving towards unity?

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@Tseng @Bloodseeker23 Amen to that. TB gameplay never will get old, no matter how far we come in technology. And that goes for RPGs and strategy games, especially, where it's still so alive and well. Just look at games like Civilization V, P4 (as you. Tseng, have already mentioned), and countless others. Even pretty many older titles (from the 90s) still contain a lot of replay value. Like, the older Square games, or, if you look at's ever expanding list of games, then you can pick out many turn-based ones.

I am very eager to see how much further turn-based gameplay can be pushed with the power of next-gen consoles, though I am afraid that more JRPGs will go down the ARPG direction and that these games will become even more exclusive to handheld gaming (or perhaps as indie games on the PC), unfortunately.

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Edited By Mawy_Golomb

What a bunch of BS. They think they can get away with having us to pay even more money out of our pockets? Microtransactions may not look like a threat to someone who barely knows gaming, but for us hardcore gamers, there's going to be a lot of backlash going on. At this rate, it's better to just stick with the PS4 or even the PC (where you can get mods for free of all sorts of content, in addition to a full game).

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Seems like the AC franchise just continues to drift farther away from its original roots, which where all about the stealth. Now, ship combat is even more of an emphasis. What's the point of still calling it "Assassin's Creed" when it's not about assassinating people, but instead about "pirating" goods? It should be called "Pirates' Creed" instead.

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I don't understand these kinds of people. Believe me, I want really diverse stories as much as they do (if not more), especially where minorities of all kinds are truly represented, not just people of the majority. Why don't they go to the indie scene, where I'm sure they'll do more successfully at least than people who are just starting off or who aren't as well known throughout the whole games industry? That's where the real creative juices can start flowing again. A sort of avante garde movement for games (if anyone's willing to go that far).

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Edited By Mawy_Golomb

Storytelling hasn't come as far as many people otherwise may think it did. You'd think by now that we'd see many stories that are about minorities, not just constantly about the white, heterosexual male, or, if it's a take on feminism, it's about a white heterosexual woman (as opposed to a black, asian, bi-sexual, homosexual female, etc.). What would leaders like Malcolm X or MLK Jr. think of the way our society is run today and how our media has "changed"? They both would probably not be so impressed with us. So, we have a long way to go to combat discrimination/prejudice in our society (and in the media, of course).

BTW, this is coming from a white, heterosexual male, in case you thought otherwise.

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Edited By Mawy_Golomb

It'd be just as easy to implement an ability that allowed you to pick a certain spot on a game's map and for the game to load up and send you over there directly. Games like Driver: San Francisco, LA Noire, and Just Cause 2 have made it easier to get around in an open world game. An instant teleport system could work, too, instead of relying on hacving multiple protagonists scattered across a game's map for this. With more powerful consoles, I see no reason why the loading times can be nearly nonexistent when jumping from one end of a map to the another.