there are just too many good games to choose from!!! so its a tie beetween mario kart ds,star fox command,mario 64 ds,pokemon diamond/pearl/platnum(i imported platnum),animal crossing,yoshis ilsand ds,kirby skeak squaud/canvas curse,ZELDA PHANTOM HOURGLSS,and last but not least,METRIOD PRIME HUNTERS.phew...blaxax
Your a friggin liar how the hell did you import platinum i live in japan and we dont get it until septeber 13th
gonna trade my black ds for that one and on my black one the L button dosnt work and it has a messed up battery Ill just buy a new battery then trade it
Think of this ok a new wii channel but its more if a game than a channel it could be like an wiimmo featuring your miis and pokemon and you can travel around a huge world and have battles with other pokemon and and form together with manaphy celebi Shaymin and phione to deafeat Palkia Dialga darkrai and Giratina. Maybe?
Any negative comments will result in a F***k you and online **** slapOh yeah its possible
controversey about a game like that coming to the wii which is a family friendly console parents were pist off beacause of the wii zapper beacuse it's shaped like a gun and that was in less than a month
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