Mclovin02's forum posts
go buy a 360 and get addicted to that. thats what i did when i was addicted to diamond.badhoagie91Thanks for thatim gonn pre order the gears of war 2 limited edtion bo right beacause of what you said
i was never a big fan of pokemon but i saw a group of people playing and earlier i bought a Ds deal from my friend and it came EBA, New super mario bros , nintendogs , tetris ds something else and pokemon pearl and i just left it there then i played it got addicted to it like whenever the dark knight came out and i cant stop playing it and now my inner geek is coming out! and dont just say stop playing please i need something ELSE THAN THAT
Ok Just wondering how many pokemon have you seen and captured Please post which pokemon are in your party.
Seen 493 Capturd 493
Party pokemon: 1.Deoxys lvl.36 2.Dialga lvl.100 3.Luxray lvl.84 4.Giratina lvl.70 5. Golbat lvl.31 6. Arceus lvl.100
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