Meedou's forum posts
PD: You are correct. We'll still have that. We have the PSP downloads site now, and you're right; these PS1 games will be available either from the PSP downloads site directly, so you don't need a PS3 to get them or if you do happen to be one of the lucky guys that gets a PS3, you can download the games to your PS3 hard drive and then slide it over to your PSP. Both services will be up and running.
Shinoto, HBO. Just because he was making an UBER fuss about it.
Also Link
Good to see you got unbanned though, Jecht.
What did Shinoto do in SW with KR3W? !_!
*Minor spoilers on gameplay styles, but not story, all within first hour or so, nothing game wrecking"
Its got somewhat of a GTA feel, but not so much like its copy paste, missions are not as lame or irritating as some where in GTA, and you feel less want to beat the crap out of people, as there are many staff memberes around.
Its like Metal Gear in some ways, because when your commiting a crime, you see on your map, the vision of the guards/staff, you can hide in a locker or garbage can (mostly can, cause their outside too) until your crime is gone, if its like tresspassing, it won't go away too much, its only happend to me once, but if you get caught alot, you have to do a little task like mowing some lawn enough in a certain amount of time.
The classes I performed so far, were preety much interesting little mini-games, most of them familliar to alot of people, like for English, you use a set of letters to make as many words as you can, Chemistry is a bit like the dance game in GTA, where buttons pass by and you gotta push em at the right time, and stuff like that.
The graphics aren't too much better then GTA, but at least now they have fingers, and not huge loaves for arms, still fairly lame graphics for such a lame PS2 game, but it doesn't really hurt unless its a cinematic and very up close.
It has some witty and hilarious characters, so far I'm enjoying it quite a bit.
[QUOTE="Meedou"]There is a step it can be taken to furthur, its controversial because some people use it illegally, but it is possible to rip a UMD to a larger memory stick, you still purchased it, so companies still get money, and now pro duo stick makers get money too, but anyways by ripping it to your memory stick and overclocking it to 333mhz, you don't lose much battery life since its running off the stick, and you get 10-15 load times, as well as able to hold 3 or 4 games at once without having to switch disks or anything. A_zombie
You do have a point there. Like when you pirate movies you need a blank DVD... you go to a store and you buy a Sony DVD and your giving money to Sony and you didn't pay for Spider-Man 2 on DVD.
No, there would be no point in moving a movie from one DVD to another. My point was: You buy the UMD, you rip it, you put it on your memory stick, and your free to put the game's case away, that way, you payed for the UMD, you payed for the memory stick, and nothing really wrong went on. Some people try to argue that this is still illegal, but I can't begin to see how, when I ended up paying even MORE then the average joe might have.
And with this, its 10-15 seconds to load up a game, some less then 5, then the average in-game load time is 2-3 seconds, so everybody wins.
Also a lot of reviews badmouthed Man of the Year quite a lot, they said they were expecting politics and comedy, though alot of them said about 45 minutes into the movie, comedy dies and its just political thriller. I still plan to go see it possibly this weekend.
[QUOTE="louislegros"] Opera is best, switch to itI tried opera for a bit, but there's so much more community support behind firefox. You can use plugins to get the mouse gestures on FF as well. I personally choose to stick with hotkeys, but that's what makes firefox so great. It's incredibly customizable. Exactly, and all the listed problems with Firefox, I had with Opera, 99% of YTMNDs didn't even OPEN in opera for me. Its also very akward to click right click and left, pushing back is fine for me, Backspace works for going back in Firefox, so I just use that, the rest of the commands are useless. Firefox does also have the much larger plugin community. Opera was very ugly and broken for me. Also yes, hotkeys are much more convinient for me. The only other browser I use, is Orca, its preety much Firefox 100% (literally, it even has the default firefox error page) but when you minimize it, it jumps into your taskbar next to your clock, so its good for hiding what your doing quickly, at school, work, or at home :P
Mouse gestures alone make it better then both FF & IE. I quit using FF because of how much it crashed and I've been very happy with Opera. The only thing I would say FF has on Opera is that it has a better pop up blocker, beyond that Opera beats it in pretty much every catagory (except maybe some capatability, but you can mask opera as IE or FF if you want and there are plug ins to fix any problem you encounter).
With mouse gestures I can zoom in, scroll through tabs, open new tabs, refresh, go back, go forward & more all with maybe a press of 1 button or completely through a mouse click and a small mouse drag.
Ctrl + mouse wheel lets you zoom in and out
right click + left = back
right click + right = forward
right click + up then down = refresh
right click + down then up = open new tab (lots of uses, will open page in new tab if you right click on a link and more)
right click + mouse wheel = tab scrolling
Then there is even more stuff, but I still haven't figured it all out (I think it even has voice reconizition & you can make your own short cuts)
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