Merovingin33's forum posts
satalite hitting it is just a theory. a bad one but whatever.
it wasnt the satalite that woke up the monster since in the jamie and teddy videos (youtube it) has him on tape saying he is on a drilling station were the company has found something or is maken something.
my theory is as fallows.
When Tagruato found the secret ingredient for slusho, they were at first unaware that they were getting it from the monster.
Later they find out were its coming from and try to do some pasteurization of the ingredient but they awaken the monster.
well in the slusho history page it says they find it at the bottem on the ocean. since this beast has been asleep for thousands and thousands of years *quote jj* it would look part of the sea bed floor.
this picture is so close but so far. the face is to wide, its to hunched and it doesnt have this armor plate thing going on.
it does have the 2 long arms *but stronger* the 2 small arms and the tail.
i have one more pic but first i want to see what people say to this 30-40% close rendistion.
(click if you want)
I am still interested in seeing this movie, even though I've read enough about it now to realize it is anti-climatic. I just want to see the monster. I am sure he's no Godzilla, and Cthulhu could kick his backside any day of the week. But I am still interested in seeing him. I am still infected by the viral marketing.
if you have been fallowing the viral marketing you will have fun.
the people that did the effects were 2 groups i beleave the design of the monster is the same person that worked on such titles as star ship troopers, matrix revoulation, and more and the graphical group are the same people that work on the harry potter films and more. with the help of bad robot on the side.
as for clover vs godzilla. who knows. godzilla seems to have many moods persay. this gaint monster is a beast. never see godzilla eat people.
[QUOTE="sammyjenkis898"][QUOTE="R-Dot-Yung"][QUOTE="Merovingin33"]wow how easy the masses get swayed by one personcell1138
they should be, this movie was trash
I'd rather form my own opinion then listen to you..
ditto. i'll make my own opinion on the movie. its my money and ill use it the way i want.happy to hear
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