@Diegoctba @Slade968 @Meta-Gnostic With this device I've seen a lot of cynical comments about how it's nothing new or it's going to fail. But from reading about it at various places, as well as realizing the potential Oculus Rift has, many people are misinformed. This video did not help.
I got the sense that the video was made for the people making it just as much as it was for the Gamespot community. There was no need to pretend the thing makes you sick.
@theberserker1 @firedrakes If you think Virtual Boy or shit from the 90's is the same as Oculus Rift you haven't read a single thing about what it does.
@Fastnova00007 @Mickeyminime PS3 controller is better imo. Your fingers line up better on the bumpers than the twisting it requires to touch the 360 bumpers.
The PS3 buttons are flat instead of oval, which makes for faster and more accurate button pushing. I think they're also touch sensitive.
PS3 d-pad is far superior. PS3 has built in battery. PS3 analog sticks are more sensitive with a smaller dead zone=more accuracy.
Only thing it's worse than 360 is the triggers, which is fixed for $5 with real triggers.
Meta-Gnostic's comments