@Alexanderzx360 @Meta-Gnostic @s0ldier69 Titanfall is the only timed exclusive we known of. Looking at 360, most of it's exclusives were timed. Thus, most of X1 are probably timed. I bet you for instance that Dead Rising 3 is timed. Keep paying extra money for the only bonus being timed exclusive games and dlc! Idiot.
I'll give you an idea. Go back to the same style mode-7 F-Zero that was on the SNES. Make the tracks longer, add new obstacles and power ups, have 16-30 AI opponents, add hills and valleys to the tracks. Add customization and vehicle parts that can be used to tweak the characteristics of each ship.
Use either very detailed polygons for the tracks & ships or modern sprites that still carry over the original SNES design. Allow somewhere between 16-30 people to race against each other online solo or in teams. Consider a digital only release if you don't want to put it on disc.
@mattress805 X1 already has CPU heat issues, now you're telling me it's ram runs hotter. Damn, no wonder the X1 fan is 10 times bigger than any other fan I've seen in a PC.
@Trogdor120485 Well gee I didn't know specifications don't mean anything. Next time I go to buy a new PC I'll pick it at random because it's not like one could have better parts in it than the other. Screw the much faster GPU in PS4 and screw the much faster RAM and screw the fact that X1 dedicates 3 gb of it's 8 gb to the OS, they WILL still be equal.
@s0ldier69 Titanfall is on X1, 360, PC. It is a timed exclusive for X1, probably 360 too. Basically all of X1's exclusives are TIMED exclusives, and all of PS4's exclusives are PERMANENT exclusives, kind of like 360 and PS3.
@NoAngle @Daian @VeredusMaximus Ya just stack that shit and hope it doesn't get bumped. Much better than swapping the internal hard drive with a screw driver. Make sure you do proper research to get an external hd that does not die on you.
@Amdisity They never could be trusted ever since they joined the industry. Their goal has always been to take over the living room, whether that includes gaming or not. Dean Takahashi reported on it all in his book about the creation of the Xbox. https://www.google.com/search?q=dean+takahashi+&oq=dean+takahashi+&aqs=chrome.0.57j0l3j62l2.3295j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#sclient=psy-ab&q=dean+takahashi+xbox+book&oq=dean+takahashi+xbox+book&gs_l=serp.3..33i29i30.22648.23784.0.24069.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48175248,d.dmg&fp=b6c442617335b49c&biw=1280&bih=678
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