@RadPro @Meta-Gnostic @hp2110 Because he is supporting policies that will eventually be taken by EVERY COMPANY in the industry if they're successful by one company. And it will get worse and worse and worse.
@Deevoshun @Merseyak @Talavaj I'm too tired to bother to look for them, but off the top of my head Sony did not mention Planetside 2 or DC Universe Online. Both PS4 exclusives.
If MS offers Xbox One for $299 with a 2 year agreement to XBL, Sony simply needs to offer PS4 for $249 with a 2 year agreement to PS+. Sony will be even better off!
@mrboone01 He left because China bought out his company. His company was more about money than anything else. Ironically he has been all about money too since Gears of War.
Last time I checked movies cost more to make and anyone can do whatever the hell they want with their movie discs. This guy has been all about money above creativity for many years now.
Meta-Gnostic's comments