People give Cage a lot of flack, but these things need to be said and nobody else in the industry really talks about moving games forward in terms of story, characters, emotions.
@hatieshorrer @96augment Sony has to release the same year as the next Xbox. Delaying would be worse for that one major reason.
Sony would be best off announcing a price cut of Vita at E3 that goes into effect immediately or at the very least before September. E3 is free advertising and they will have lots of people watching and very excited for PS4.
I'm glad my Xbox Live subscription is going toward this timed exclusivity downloadable content because A) I also own PS3 and B) I don't plan on buying the DLC. Did I mention C) I prefer timed exclusive DLC that I won't buy over funding games.
@blackace @Meta-Gnostic I was referring to how Sony will be curating games, after all this is a video game website. Sony is going to allow games from $0.99-$60, opening up the market for smaller IOS type games on PS4.
MS is heading in the opposite direction, whereas they used to be very open to Indie games MS has no plan for IOS types of games. MS has been criticized as such from one of the creators of the original Xbox just weeks ago.
Valve is also foremost about gaming like Sony. Valve does not need to cater with special media or social apps since those apps already exist.
Meta-Gnostic's comments