@Daian @Megavideogamer There is a chance an SKU for the initial version will be as cheap as a WiiU is RIGHT NOW ($350) because WiiU is going to get a big price cut by the time PS4 launches.
@foxrock66 The PS4 and Kinectbox are going require less watts and generate less heat than PS3 and 360. They are not as big of a leap as PS3 and 360 were over their predecessors. Thus, PS4 and Kinectbox will not have anywhere near the faulty hardware that PS3 and 360 did.
@DaWarthog What are you talking about. Every system requires extra controllers. What memory space? They haven't announced hard drive size yet. You won't have to buy another hard drive most likely, and if you do it will probably be non-proprietary.
With PS3 you did not need to buy a battery or charge for your controller unlike MS, and with PS3 you did not need to buy wifi unlike MS.
Nintendo only gives you a tiny tiny hard drive of 8-32gb. Nintendo requires a Gamepad, Pro (you don't want to play for hours on end with Gamepad), Wiimote, Nunchuk, Motion+, and possibly Classic Controller.
MS requires controller, battery and charger, and Kinect. MS proprietary expensive hard drive and wifi.
@Boat3600 I was going to post the same thing. 99% certainty: $400 for 1 SKU, $450 for the other. I thought this even before any announcements. It just makes sense given the leaked hardware specs, past console prices, and Nintendo WiiU price/sales. With slim chance of a $350 SKU and very slim chance of $500 SKU.
@jcnba28 @Meta-Gnostic Uncharted is a relatively new IP. It's customary to have more sequels earlier on. Each Uncharted has been quite different than the last bringing very new things with each new installment such as multiplayer. Whereas, golf, like any sport, is very similar each time you play it.
God of War needs to stop being made so often. I tired of that series after playing the first 2 games. Will play GoW 3 only after more time has passed. At least the new one has multiplayer. I could see the series stop permanently and wouldn't care.
Mario Golf was fun back on N64 and overplayed by the time Toadstool Tour came out. Hot Shots Golf is the same. While I enjoyed the last one, it did not need to be made, I could have just replayed HSG4 instead (if it still had online players).
Point is - I don't want to see Nintendo remake the same games over and over again. I want something NEW and I want it FROM NINTENDO. They used to have the best new IPs, but they've been making the same games now for decades. I'm not attacking Nintendo because I want them to fail, I'm attacking them because I want them to succeed.
Perhaps you're too young to remember the days of NES, SNES, N64?
Meta-Gnostic's comments