Year of Luigi. Translation: Same games over and over again, only we'll put some spotlight on one of the lesser characters from those games in order to obscure the fact that it's the same old stuff over and over and over.
@Moron_Brotha Unfortunately Gamestop chose to run with a false title for this article. Not upset at Quantic Dream, I'd rather have original titles, upset at Gamestop for lying.
@sortajan @bolomd_basic You can when they the garbage title is because the developer completely fucked up managing it rather than just lack of ability.
I hate "games" like this. For one they don't meet the criteria of being a game. This is like Minecraft without the crafting. They should have added something like being able to create or combat or manage.
@Axile11 @Meta-Gnostic I expected a new model this soon. Remember PSP? Do you pay any attention to what happens with phone, tablets, and ipods? At Nintendo 3DS XL?
If you have so much money then sell the Vita you have now and buy a new one. Stop complaining because you made a choice.
Meta-Gnostic's comments