@digi-demon Why are you saying "yes me too"? You're instigating flame wars repeatedly on this site and keep defending 360 and putting down PS3. Then trying to say you are not favoring 360 because you own other systems.
Do you not understand that A) 360 is only outselling PS3 in NA because it's getting lots of sales to casual consumers buying Kinect games & B) PS3 is outselling 360 worldwide & C) PS3 has outsold 360 already if you align their launch dates.
Regardless of 360 vs PS3, you need to also learn that sales do not equal quality and the best hardware does not always win. Because you're trying to claim those things.
@digi-demon X360 plays better, wth does that even mean? Get over myself how?
Every company hypes their console, but not every company rips you off with huge hidden costs and rushes hardware to market that they know will fail. I guess if you like to waste your money for nothing then ok because you're paying more for less.
@digi-demon If you choose what you play and buy, you would be supporting PS3 the most right now IF you wanted competition for MS. If Sony stops making consoles you'll be stuck paying more for less from MS (even more for less than you are now). But somehow you fail to understand that concept. So yes, you lose.
You also lose the argument that brand is irrelevant to you because you've dissed PS3 and praised 360 like a madman on here.
@digi-demon Ha so you wasted even more money, buying a 2nd 360 and then selling your used one all because MS rushed it to market knowing it would fail on you. Then you will go and try to claim how 360 has sold better than PS3 despite people like you having to buy multiple 360s.
Also, tell me this, how did you get your account onto the new console before you sold the RROD one? Did you have to start everything over and wait a month to get your saves back? Nope because you've been lying this whole time.
Ha only thing PSN doesn't have is cross-game chat. So keep throwing your money down the drain while I get tons of games from PS+.
PS2 is still the best selling console of all time (not including portables which can sell more easily due to cheaper prices), and PS2 is still regarded as being right up there with any console for best game lineup ever.
There are 1080p games, but developers also know that better graphics can be achieved with better textures, lighting, and effects than through resolution. 360 didn't get 1080p until after PS3 planned for it.
@digi-demon @tgwolf WRONG! Look at sales of LBP racing vs Kinect games. Core-games sell better on PS3 compared to its casual games than the same ratio for 360 games. Look at how many casual games there are on 360 compared to both its core games and compared to how many casual and core games on PS3. You lose.
@digi-demon @Sam-os_IMP If PS3 is overpriced with it's Bluray player then 360 is even more overpriced.
The reason some multiplatform games are worse on PS3 is because of developers just porting over games developed on 360 first. When they develop with PS3 as the lead platform the games look worse on 360. There is hardware upscale on PS3 and it is better than the 360's upscaler, especially for movies.
You're a fool who pays for XBL Gold. You paid $50 for 2006-2010 ($250) and will pay at least 20011-2013 $60 a year ($180). Bet you bought at least a Play n Charge Kit as well ($20), and possibly an expensive wireless adaptor, and upgraded your expensive proprietary hard drive. So $400 + $250 + $180 + $20 ~$100+~$180= $1130 LOL!!!
Probably had to lose your 360 for a month waiting for it to get repaired because MS rushed it to market so they could launch during the holidays despite knowing there was a hardware issue that would be responsible for all launch era 360's getting RROD.
@deathstream @iempire68 While I agree, I don't put much faith in what Nolan says anymore. He is biased and has had too many failures in the gaming industry after his early success (losing to Nintendo and Sony). He would love to see their consoles eventually fail.
Anyone with some common sense can see that technology will usurp dedicated game consoles sometime soon, even if that means micro-consoles. I think cloud-gaming is ultimately what will happen.
Meta-Gnostic's comments