@danielbirchal @Flint247 WRONG. MS started DLC and has done it the worst as well as having so many anti-consumer policies. I would feel sorry for you but you are just incredibly ignorant. It's too bad there are people like you helping them destroy the gaming industry. Ruining it for everyone.
@Lhomity @PETERAKO Depends on the developer/publisher. Look at Gran Turismo, you got 1,000 cars and 73 tracks without having to pay extra for them. Series has always had lots of cars and tracks, and only increased a bit with each release (while also having an older release have more cars and tracks than a future release). WOW SOME PUBLISHERS RIP YOU OFF AND SOME DON'T. NOW YOU KNOW.
@Lhomity I don't go around bragging about being rich and trolling those who are not. I find it ridiculous that you would think having a steel case for your video game, which will sit in a closet collecting dust is something to be proud of when there are people who go without food or sit in the freezing cold. Ya I have an internet connection and play video games because it keeps me from going insane with boredom in my free time. I just cannot understand how that is the same as keeping metal in my closet instead of plastic.
@alsatian86 @DarthLod The issue is that they're ripping people off and if other people are buying this stuff they will try to make everyone buy it by making standard editions have additional fluff.
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