It's the only way i game now. I game on my Samsung Galaxy S 2, and on my new iPhone 4S. Looking forward to the Samsung Nexus Prime, aswell as the new quad core phones coming out next year. Day 1 purchase here. Games are a lot cheaper than the consoles and PC's aswell, for $1-$10 to play amazing quality games, you'd have to be a nerd to not want it.
One of the many features, that will lead to the gaming consoles demises, is the great feature of the touch UI that phones have, over handelds. Most people prefer the touch UI, over Sony's buttons.
The upcoming smartphones for 2012, will already be more powerful than consoles, and heck the google nexus prime is already capable of native 720p, somethings consoles cant do. The app store for iphone and the android marketplace is already miles ahead of PSN and XBL, aswell has having better DD games, lower costs, for better games, whos going to be buying a console, when the next gen nvidia kal el quad core smart phones hit the market early next year? 5 cores, over 1gb of ram, and a better geforce graphics card/ALU. Sony better step it up and start with their next gen phone, it was a bad move on their part to try and compete in the hand held space with just a gaming console, if they want to have any chance of being a company in the near future, they better focus more on a next gen phone, that can play sony games downloaded from their app store via DD for cheaper prices. I mean, some people will be buying games like uncharted for $40......but most will be buying better games like Infinity Blade 2 for $5 Bad move again Sony, it's like they're purposely sabotaging themselves.
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